英语人>网络解释>rain 相关的网络解释
与 rain 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Love Has Come Of Age:爱已悄然来临

Love Has Come Of Age 爱已悄然来临 | I had never touched a hand, 我,从未触过一双手, | That felt as soft as rain, 若细雨般轻柔,

Come on guys:大伙快点

I cannot believe someone actually lives here.|我简直不敢相信居然有人住这里. | Come on, guys.|大伙快点. | Come on, let's get out of the rain now. You two. Hey, come on.|快,去避雨. 你们俩,嘿,快啊.

Dreams come true:第十八首

第十七首:doo be di boy | 第十八首:dreams come true | 第十九首:I Saw You Walking In The Rain

Comes love:当爱情来时

03 Come Rain or Come shine 阴雨或阳光 | 04 Comes love 当爱情来时 | 05 He's Funny that way 讨人喜爱的方式

comical: funny:(形)滑稽的

The boy's wet shoes betrayed the fact that he had walked in the rain.这... | 2.comical: funny; causing laughter; humorous; amusing(形)滑稽的 | That's a comical hat you're wearing, with all those flowers...

Santa Claus Coming To Town:聖誕老人進城

21.Rhythm Of The Rain 雨的旋律 | 22.Santa Claus Coming To Town 聖誕老人進城 | 23.Tennesse Waltz 田納西華爾滋


法国人(french)把雨伞(t)放在沟渠(trench)里 邮票(stamp)用桑塔那(w)运到沼泽(swamp)去 大雨(rain)使船(u)崩溃(ruin) 商店(store)里传出几(n)声鼾声(snore) 咖啡(coffee)在树(r)上的保险箱里 听音乐会(concert)的人(i)很自负 大

and as it cools, it condenses into cloud:逐渐冷却,汇聚成云

0n reaching mountains, the moist air is forced upwards|途经山脉的时... | and as it cools, it condenses into cloud|逐渐冷却,汇聚成云 | and finally rain, the source of all fresh water.|最后形成降雨,这便是...

Domicile conjugal:床第风云

春雨行 Walk in the Spring Rain (1970) | 床第风云 Domicile conjugal (1970) | 生活琐事 Choses de la vie, Les (1970)

I hold my tears constrainedly:强忍着泪水的眼睛

雨水落进我和你 The rain water falls into you and me. | 强忍着泪水的眼睛 I hold my tears constrainedly . | 都不想分离 Both of us don't want to separate

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Walking In The Rain
Here Comes The Rain
I Wish It Would Rain
It Feels Like Rain
Can't Stop My Heart From Loving You (The Rain Song)
Some Days Are Made For Rain
Rain, Rain (Don't Go Away)
Rain, Rain
Rain, Rain, Rain
It Will Rain / Set Fire To The Rain

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制