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与 print 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

unformatted mode:未格式化模式

未格式化媒体 unformatted media | 未格式化模式 unformatted mode | 未格式化打印数据 unformatted print data


概念三:打印方向(Print Direction),单向(Unidirectional)机头只是在由右至左运动时才喷墨打印. 双向(Bidirectional)机头在往返运动时都喷墨打印. 双向打印速度较快,但图纸两端墨水干燥时间较短,容易出现条纹.


正如美国最高法院在对格雷斯俄德诉康涅狄格一案的判决书中所说:"言论和出版自由权所包含的,不仅是发言(utter)或印刷(print)的权利. 还包含着研究的自由(freedomofinquiry)、教学的自由(freedomofteach)......实际上就是整个大学社区的自由(thefreedomoftheentireuniversitycommunity).

vandyke process:原稿制版法,万代克法

"棕色印刷","van dyke print" | "原稿制版法(万代克法)","vandyke process" | "风向标,照准版","vane"

set variable:修改变量值

print p 打印变量值 | set variable 修改变量值 | watch wa 监控变量值

Velcro tape:魔术贴

Poster in digital print-out 海报数码喷绘 | Velcro tape 魔术贴 | Double side tape 双面胶

What You See Is What You Get ("WYSIWYG:即视即所得,直接可视数据,幕前排版,所见即所得

你见即我见 what you see is what I see | 即视即所得,直接可视数据,幕前排版,所见即所得 what you see is what you get,WYSIWYG | 印出同屏幕所见 what you see is what you print

Joint whole life insurance:联合终身寿险

Is Print Notice 打印通知单否 | Joint whole life insurance 联合终身寿险 | Joint and survivor annuity 联合生存年金

woodcut,wood engraving,xylograph:木刻

woodcut,wood engraving,wood print,xylograph 木版画 | woodcut,wood engraving,xylograph 木刻 | work,sheet wise 全张套版印

ink writer:印字机[计算机]

印字头,打印头print head | 印字机[计算机] ink writer | 印字版lettering panel

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Fine Print
Cut, Print...Moving On
Cut! Print It

normal sequence of operation:正常动作程序

normal sensitivity 標準感度 | normal sequence of operation 正常动作程序 | normal sequence space 正规序列空间

calendar month:月的样式

.calendar-year - 年的样式. | .calendar-month - 月的样式. | .calendar-weekday-cell - 星期的样式.


lather /肥皂泡/ | lathery /肥皂泡的/充满泡沫的/ | lathhouse /板条房屋/