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与 portion 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


test portion 试验部分 | gonorrhoea [医]淋病 | crown face 圆弧面 凸面(皮带轮、 轴承承载鞍等) 顶面

Galbani Grana Padano Cheese:格尔巴格瑞帕诺芝士

Cheese Edam Portion份装红波芝士 | Galbani Grana Padano Cheese格尔巴格瑞帕诺芝士 | Cheese Mozzarella Fresh新鲜毛沙芝士

I willed my Keepsakes- Signed away:我立了遗嘱,签字离去

Be witnessed- in the Room- 在屋中---被亲眼目睹--- | I willed my Keepsakes- Signed away 我立了遗嘱,签字离去 | What portion of me be 我所有可签让的部分

I willed my Keepsakes- Signed away:我馈赠我的纪念品 - 签字放弃

Be witnessed -- in the Room -- 这位国王 - 在房间里 - | I willed my Keepsakes -- Signed away 我馈赠我的纪念品 - 签字放弃 | What portion of me be 我可以支配的

marriage settlement:婚姻财产契约

marriage portion 嫁妆 | marriage settlement 婚姻财产契约 | marriage 结婚

mid-point rate:平均汇率,平均价格

mid-point protective system ==> 中点保护系统 | mid-point rate ==> 平均汇率,平均价格 | mid-portion urine ==> 中段尿


mid-portion urine ==> 中段尿 | mid-position ==> 中点 | mid-position contact ==> 中位触点

spread both on grain, and you've got mycotoxins:在谷物中散播 产生了霉菌毒素

Hail is wet, locusts leave droppings...|冰雹是... | ...spread both on grain, and you've got mycotoxins.|在谷物中散播 产生了霉菌毒素 | Dinnertime in Egypt meant the first-born got the biggest portion......

but the plants and trees, thickets and groves:草木丛林

is water of a single flavor, 一味之水 | but the plants and trees, thickets and groves, 草木丛林 | each accept the moisture that is appropriate to its portion. 随分受润

Orange Marmalade Canned:罐装香橙果酱

Black Cherry Jam Canned罐装黑车厘子果酱 | Orange Marmalade Canned罐装香橙果酱 | Apricot Jam Portion份装黄梅果酱

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My Portion You Will Ever Be

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest