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projecting quoins:突出隅石; 突隅石

projecting portion 凸出部分 | projecting quoins 突出隅石; 突隅石 | projecting scaffold 挑出脚手架; 挑脚手架

As the fetus develops,most of this tissue recedes:胎儿发育 大部分乳腺组织后退

Breast tissue covers an extensive portion of the body.|乳腺组织覆盖了身... | As the fetus develops,most of this tissue recedes,|胎儿发育 大部分乳腺组织后退 | remaining only in the fun places.|只在有意思...

releasing mechanism:释放机构

release element 释放机构 | releasing mechanism 释放机构 | relevant portion 相关部分

sieved material:过筛材料

sieve-portion ==> 筛部 | sieved material ==> 过筛材料 | Sievert chamber ==> 西韦特电离室

staked height:立桩高度

stake nut;标桩螺母 | staked height;立桩高度 | staked portion;立桩部分[区段]

balance ring:平衡环

10 balance sleeve平衡套 | 11 balance ring平衡环 | 12 guide plate of outlet portion排出段的导向隔板

crank press:曲柄压床,曲柄压机

447. crank portion of shaft ==> 轴的曲拐部分 | 448. crank press ==> 曲柄压床,曲柄压机 | 449. crank pulley ==> 曲轴皮带轮

Deep-cut style for added versatility:深切的作风为补充的多功能性

M3 steel provides increased wear resistance立方米钢的规定,增加... | Deep-cut style for added versatility深切的作风为补充的多功能性 | Larger bi-metal portion for increased durability较大的双金属部分为增...

synapuic bouton:突触扣结

突触间隙 synaptic cleft | 突触扣结 synapuic bouton | 突触前部 presynaptic portion

a specific host genotypes:一个特定的寄主基因型

a small portion of the germinating ==> 一小块萌发的种子 | a specific host genotypes ==> 一个特定的寄主基因型 | a standing funny monk in blue-and-white ==> 青花站济公

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My Portion You Will Ever Be

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest