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与 poor-spirited 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

makes up:占多少

困扰is plagued by, is beset by | 占多少 accounts for, makes up, constitutes, assumes, stands at, represents, occupy . | 贫穷的Poor, impoverished

Instead of maligning me:别再中伤我

We got to go from the poor house to the White House.|我们应该离开贫民窟去... | Instead of maligning me...|别再中伤我... | ...let's take this land from sea to shining sea.|...我们要做的是把我们这里变得更...

This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost zero:这位有经验的编辑据说能将错误印刷率降低到几乎为零

e.g. The fire reduced the fores... | This experienced editor is said to be able to reduce the misprints to almost zero. 这位有经验的编辑据说能将错误印刷率降低到几乎为零. | The poor woman is reduced to...

it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision:我们应该比平常更乐于

At this festive season of the year, Mr. Scrooge,|在这个欢庆... | it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision|我们应该比平常更乐于 | for the poor and the destitute.|捐献给...

feel more tired and have less energy:感到更累了,有较少的能源

feel more tired and have less energy感到更累了,有较少的能源 | have trouble concentrating遇到问题集中 | have a poor appetite有食欲不振

I should be most delighted:我很乐意

30) Poor old Tom, I'm ever so sorry.可怜的汤姆,我很难过 | 31) I should be most delighted.我很乐意 | 32) Catch me listening to her 我才不听她的呢

A person is most disappointed when he is in despair:一个人在绝望时最失望

The poor woman was in despair. 那可怜的女人陷入了绝望. | A person is most disappointed when he is in despair. 一个人在绝望时最失望. | 23. in detail 详细地

Technically I was only captain for two years, then I was mutinied upon:确来说我只做了两年,然后就被推翻了

That was our agreement.|那是... | Technically I was only captain for two years, then I was mutinied upon.|确来说我只做了两年,然后就被推翻了 | Then you were a poor captain, but a captain nonetheless.|你...

Half nicked:我再次无视时尚

如果我是超人,我要I will give the poor justice | 我再次无视时尚Half nicked | 我买过的最差的东西Some stocks

And in fact, the Big Bang is sometimes nicknamed, for that reason:事实上 宇宙大爆炸有时因此被戏称为

in the biggest accelerators here on Earth, such as the one at CER... | And in fact, the Big Bang is sometimes nicknamed, for that reason,|事实上 宇宙大爆炸有时因此被戏称为 | the poor man's accelerator....

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Poor Folks
My Poor Old Heart
All The Poor And Powerless
Angry, Young And Poor
Poor Millionaire
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Lenore
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me

Ukrainian Battalion:乌克兰营

Ukraine;乌克兰;; | Ukrainian Battalion;乌克兰营;UKRBAT; | Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company;乌克兰多瑙河船运公司(船运公司);UDP;船运公司

Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine:华疏松

矮松 scrub pine;Virginia pine;Yersey pine | 华疏松 Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine | 云南松 Burmapine

Bloody Foothills:血腥丘陵

任务奖励:第四幕结束 任务难度:☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 第五幕:哈洛加斯 任务一:Sige On Harrogath 哈洛加斯围城战与 Larzuk 对话触发此任务.拉苏克(Larzuk)让你杀死 Shenk The Overseer,这家伙龟缩 在血腥丘陵(Bloody Foothills)尽头处.Shenk The Overseer 不难杀,