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与 poor-spirited 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The rank and file is/are getting discontented:广大会员越来越不满意

The little poor dog was all skin and bone. 这只可怜的小... | The rank and file is/are getting discontented. 广大会员越来越不满意. | We fought tooth and nail to get our plans accepted. 我们竭尽全力争取使...

the wise:聪明人

the poor穷人 | the wise聪明人 | the sick病人

Ticktock, ticktock, ticktock:滴答

Pity about poor Catherine, though.|但我同情可怜的凯瑟琳 | Ticktock, ticktock, ticktock.|滴答... | Your anagrams are showing, doctor.|你的字谜有破绽了

in the time immemorial:在远古时

4000万年前 over four thousand years ago | 在远古时 in the time immemorial | 富人和穷人一样 the rich and the poor alike

in the time immemorial:在遥 古时

4000万年前 over four thousand years ago | 在遥 古时 in the time immemorial | 富人和穷人一样 the rich and the poor alike

toadyism and good-neighbor policy:事大交邻

以美储善:Holding Good through Beauty | 事大交邻:toadyism and good-neighbor policy | 优生和差生:good and poor listeners

Wood Toilet Seat:木厕座

poor or missing lacquering 喷漆不良/木喷漆 | Wood Toilet Seat - 木厕座 | rust or excessive grease on metal components and hardware 金属部件生锈或有多余油脂

Plating touch-up:镀后修补

Insufficient plating: 电镀不充分(局部未镀上, 或厚度不够) | Plating touch-up: 镀后修补 | Poor conversion coat : 化学镀层差


"低产","poor harvest, low yield" | "定值","transplanting" | "停职","suspension from duty"

i will travel around the world:如果我是超人,我要

如果我是亿万富翁,我要I will help the poor people and give thanks to God. | 如果我是超人,我要I will travel around the world | 我想要我的咖啡..Every morning

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Poor Folks
My Poor Old Heart
All The Poor And Powerless
Angry, Young And Poor
Poor Millionaire
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Lenore
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me

Ukrainian Battalion:乌克兰营

Ukraine;乌克兰;; | Ukrainian Battalion;乌克兰营;UKRBAT; | Ukrainian Danube Shipping Company;乌克兰多瑙河船运公司(船运公司);UDP;船运公司

Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine:华疏松

矮松 scrub pine;Virginia pine;Yersey pine | 华疏松 Sierra Nevada pine;Washoe pine | 云南松 Burmapine

Bloody Foothills:血腥丘陵

任务奖励:第四幕结束 任务难度:☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ 第五幕:哈洛加斯 任务一:Sige On Harrogath 哈洛加斯围城战与 Larzuk 对话触发此任务.拉苏克(Larzuk)让你杀死 Shenk The Overseer,这家伙龟缩 在血腥丘陵(Bloody Foothills)尽头处.Shenk The Overseer 不难杀,