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与 poor-spirited 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And hitherto doth love on fortune tend:这炎凉的事态古今一辙

The poor advanced makes friends of enemies. 走时运的穷酸仇敌逢迎 | And hitherto doth love on fortune tend; 这炎凉的事态古今一辙 | For who not needs shall never lack a friend, 富有的门庭挤满了宾客

hold over:推迟,拖延

61. Their odds are very poor 他们成功的可能性很小 | 62. hold over 推迟,拖延 | 63. out of order 损坏

Honor shows the man:荣誉使人现原形

Honey in the mouth saves the purse.嘴巴甜,少花钱. | Honor shows the man.荣誉使人现原形. | Hope is the poor man''s bread. 希望是穷人的面包.

Play hooky:旷工,旷课

Nuts胡说 | Play hooky旷工,旷课 | Poor thing可怜

hoped for:希望

a poor run at :运营不善 | hoped for :希望 | a slightly better showing: 一个稍微好的表现

Although, I have to admit, that Horntail is a right nasty piece of work:可我必须承认 匈牙利树蜂着实不好对付

Oh, crikey!|哦 天啊 | Although, I have to admit, that Horntail is a right nasty piece of work.|可我必须承认 匈牙利树蜂着实不好对付 | Poor Ron nearly fainted just seeing him, you know.|可怜的罗恩看到它...

I will continue to be horrified by that story all day long:我会整天因这事而受惊

That's horrifying.|真是吓人 | I will continue to be horrified by that story all day long.|我会整天因这事而受惊 | And poor Steve, he was in such a vulnerable position...|可怜的史蒂夫,他真够惨的


Paulo: The Wolfgang Puck of Brazil 巴西小淘气 | Hurley创作的 | Aaron: Poor Island Baby 贫穷的小岛男孩

wait on the improbable:守株待兔

不了了之 solve through deliberate inaction | 守株待兔 wait on the improbable | 虎头蛇尾 good start, poor finish


即将建成 Near completion | 即兴的 Improvised | 极端贫困 Live on the threshold of poverty, desperately poor, mired in acute need

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Poor Folks
My Poor Old Heart
All The Poor And Powerless
Angry, Young And Poor
Poor Millionaire
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Lenore
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me

normal sequence of operation:正常动作程序

normal sensitivity 標準感度 | normal sequence of operation 正常动作程序 | normal sequence space 正规序列空间

calendar month:月的样式

.calendar-year - 年的样式. | .calendar-month - 月的样式. | .calendar-weekday-cell - 星期的样式.


lather /肥皂泡/ | lathery /肥皂泡的/充满泡沫的/ | lathhouse /板条房屋/