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The memo gloated about the growing gap between rich and poor:此备忘录津津乐道于日渐加剧的贫富差距

about their plan to rule the world.|关于计划统... | The memo gloated about the growing gap between rich and poor|此备忘录津津乐道于日渐加剧的贫富差距 | and how they were now the new aristocracy|以及他们...

Stop goading the poor beast:别再驱赶那可怜的动物了

6668. They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and re... | 6669. Stop goading the poor beast! 别再驱赶那可怜的动物了! | 6670. His persistent questions finally goaded me into an angry reply. 他...

Every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas:每晚都溜进我的院子偷吃杜鹃花

Bird Beady eyes|一种鸟 眼... | Every night it sneaks in my yard and gobbles my poor azaleas.|每晚都溜进我的院子偷吃杜鹃花 | I'm elderly and nfrm I can't catch it If on y someone cou d help me.|我又老又...

Poor baby is hiccupping:可怜的宝宝在打呃

Mom looks after the baby all day.妈妈整天都在照顾宝宝. | Poor baby is hiccupping.可怜的宝宝在打呃. | How can he stop it?怎样才能不打呃呢?

His poor English inhibits him from communicating with others freely:他糟糕的英语使他不能与他人自由交流

5. inhibit... from..... | (1) His poor English inhibits him from communicating with others freely. 他糟糕的英语使他不能与他人自由交流. | (2) This feature of the book would be enough to inhibit a lot o...

The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any:城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活

生活得心满意足而富有愉快的思想.... | 城镇中的穷人,我看,倒往往是过着最独立不羁的生活. The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. | 也许因为他们很伟大,所以受之无愧. May...

The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any:在我看来,城镇中的贫民大凡过着最为无拘无束的生活

and have as cheering thought... | The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. 在我看来,城镇中的贫民大凡过着最为无拘无束的生活. | Maybe they are simply great enough to r...

The poor woman is nearing her end:可怜的老妇人已快死了

near sb's end快死,接近死期,行将就木: | The poor woman is nearing her end. 可怜的老妇人已快死了. | near the mark接近目标;差不多:

Oppressing the poor in order to enrich oneself:欺压贫穷为要利己的

用管教的杖可以远远赶除. but the rod of discipline drives it f... | 16 欺压贫穷为要利己的,Oppressing the poor in order to enrich oneself, | 并送礼与富户的,都必缺乏. and giving to the rich, will lead onl...

The rocky outcrops of New zealand's Poor Knights Islands:新西兰坡.骑士岛的

so most sea caves are created by the mechanical pounding of the waves.|所以大部分海洋... | The rocky outcrops of New zealand's Poor Knights Islands|新西兰坡.骑士岛的 | are riddled with sea caves.|岩礁下...

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Poor Folks
My Poor Old Heart
All The Poor And Powerless
Angry, Young And Poor
Poor Millionaire
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Lenore
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me
Poor, Poor Pitiful Me

normal sequence of operation:正常动作程序

normal sensitivity 標準感度 | normal sequence of operation 正常动作程序 | normal sequence space 正规序列空间

calendar month:月的样式

.calendar-year - 年的样式. | .calendar-month - 月的样式. | .calendar-weekday-cell - 星期的样式.


lather /肥皂泡/ | lathery /肥皂泡的/充满泡沫的/ | lathhouse /板条房屋/