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place on相关的网络解释

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与 place on 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

often, frequently, more often than not:常常

17. 发生,出现,产生:take place, occur, arise, bring about, create, cause, emerge, turn ... | 18. 常常:often, frequently, more often than not | 19. 偶尔:occasionally, sometimes, once in a while, on some ...

many a mickle makes a muckle:积少成多,聚沙成塔

have one's heart in the right place 为人善良,心肠好 | many a mickle makes a muckle 积少成多,聚沙成塔 | hit/ kick a man when he is down ; Drop on somebody when he has fallen into a well. 落井下石

I'll send over some Mississippi mud pie:我会送上密西西比冰淇淋派

Just save us the time and trouble and get out before anybody gets hur... | I'll send over some Mississippi mud pie.|我会送上密西西比冰淇淋派 | The only place Adeena was interested in fusion was on a pl...

Multi-window mode:多窗口模式

Application launching from any point on the card 扩展卡上的程序可以在任何地方调用(不知所云了......) | Multi-window mode 多窗口模式 | In-place files receiving 内部文件接受(不知道,没试过)

neither ... nor ... is to suffer:两不误

练摊 be a vendor / do business | 两不误 neither ... nor ... is to suffer | 两个文明一起抓 place equal emphasis on material and moral revival

Next time, ladies:下次吧,女士们

SHAGGY: Follow me, Scoob. I know the perfect place to hide.|跟著我,史酷比匕,我... | Next time, ladies.|下次吧,女士们 | DAPHNE: Come on, let's make tracks. VELMA: I'm right behind you.|快点维尔玛我们 快跑...

No more than that:也就是这么样了

a laboratory investigator might work for two or four or ten years perhaps.|而... | No more than that.|也就是这么样了 | We really need a place where organic evolution is happening on a planetary scale,|我...

I take a no-nonsense approach:我用了个狠招

Terrific. Well, look, let's go talk in my office, yeah? Come on.|好极了,我们去办公室... | I take a no-nonsense approach.|我用了个狠招 | I mean, I cut the operating costs of this place...|我削减了这里的...

Not to worry. Bart's people are top-notch and very discreet:别担心 Bart的人水平非常高 而且行事谨慎

But for family and friends of family, it's j... | Not to worry. Bart's people are top-notch and very discreet.|别担心 Bart的人水平非常高 而且行事谨慎 | At our old place, he had this safe with files on ...

Obscurer and puzzle:迷茫和困惑

扫除学海中的暗礁-- Getting rid of the submerged rocks on our way to study-- | 迷茫和困惑 Obscurer and puzzle | 在你这里 at your place

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The Loneliest Place On The Map
Hand On The Place
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Some Place On Earth
Shut Up And Get On The Place
This Place Is On Fire
Comfortable Place On The Couch
Heaven Is A Place On Earth
Softest Place On Earth

gray interrelation:灰色关联

灰度编码:Gray-coded | 灰色关联:gray interrelation | 灰色模型:Gray-model

spiritual civilization:心性文明

农村城镇化:rural civilization | 心性文明:Spiritual Civilization | 依法治国:socialistic political civilization

likin park:现在最喜欢的音乐专辑

我听的音乐Rock | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Likin Park | 最近读的书Eragon and Eldest