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田伟洲 FREE | 陈剑 Zogo | 李彬 Passion

Blue Devil:蓝蓟

Blue crown passion flower 西番莲 485 | Blue devil 蓝蓟 270 | Blue-eyed grass 狭叶庭菖蒲 494

They thwarted her plans:他们制止了她的计划

4. thwart v.挫败,阻止......的发生、实现或达成 | They thwarted her plans.他们制止了她的计划. | 5. passion n.激情,热情

heat; hot; heat up:热

热情 cordial; warm; enthusiastic | 热 heat; hot; heat up | 情 feeling; emotion; passion; condition

It is no use trying to argue with you when you fly into a fury:当你愤怒时,设法与你争论是无用的

6.fury: violent excitement or anger; fierce passion(名)愤... | It is no use trying to argue with you when you fly into a fury.当你愤怒时,设法与你争论是无用的. | 7.liberate: set free; release(动)释放; 解...

Inside Of Me:在我心间

This passion burns 激情燃烧 | Inside of me 在我心间 | Don't say to me 不要和我说

Your spell has taken over:我才能找到自己

I'm goin right under你的魅力消失后 | Your spell has taken over我才能找到自己 | I'm feelin, your passion我沉浸在,你的热情

she completely abandons all responsibilities:她能够抛弃所有责任

So for a brief moment of passion...|所以为了一时的激情... | ...she completely abandons all responsibilities.|...她能够抛弃所有责任 | ...which she found very beautiful.|...她觉得它美极了

Initiative Activates Your Talent:主动激活你的天赋

2. Passion Energizes Your Talent 热诚强化你的天赋 | 3. Initiative Activates Your Talent 主动激活你的天赋 | 4. Focus Directs Your Talents 专注指引你的天赋

Becalmed in those uncouth environs:是更强烈的感情把我迷住

我的心徒然想要挣脱开,And vainly did my soul rebel, | 是更强烈的感情把我迷住,Becalmed in those uncouth environs | 于是我在岸边留下来...... By passion's overpowering spell.

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La Passion
My Passion
Passion For Publication
The Passion Of Lovers
The Passion Of Christ
Crime Of Passion
Crimes Of Passion

soot door:出灰口

soot pit 出灰坑 | soot door 出灰口 | soot 烟黑

Meat Tenderize:肉锤

Sharpening Steel磨刀棒 | Meat Tenderize肉锤 | Film保鲜膜

Tamil Nadu:泰米尔纳德

海得拉巴珠宝展主要的目标买家来自南印度四个邦--安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh), 泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu), 喀拉拉(Kerala), 卡纳塔克(Kamataka)及中东. 这些买家包括珠宝批发商、零售商、进出口商、珠宝制造商、钻石及宝石供应商及经销商、珍珠供应商及经销商、贵金属及镶嵌珠宝的供应商及经销商、奢侈品个人消费者.