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与 party 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Philippine Socialist Party:菲律宾社会党

Philippine Muslim Nationalist League 菲律宾穆斯林民族主义联盟 | Philippine Socialist Party 菲律宾社会党 | Philippines-US Mutual Defence Treaty 菲美共同防御条约

Philippine Socialist Party:菲 宾社会党

Philippine Muslim Nationalist League 菲 宾穆斯 民族主义 盟 | Philippine Socialist Party 菲 宾社会党 | Philippines-US Mutual Defence Treaty 菲美共同防御条约

Party and Sociality:十一、宴会与社交

3.看目录购物Shopping by the Catalog | 十一、宴会与社交Party and Sociality | 1.举行晚餐会Having a Dinner Pafly

Spellbound Party:魅力聚会 [欧版]

0909 - Spellbound Party - 魅力聚会 [欧版] | 0908 - Racquet Sports - 球拍运动 [美版] | 0907 - Super Monkey Ball: Athletic - 超级猴子球 平衡滚球 [日版]

stag party:男人的聚会

pet peeve不能忍受的事 | stag party男人的聚会 | stool pigeon奸细

I think you stand a good chance of seeing your opponents at the party:我想你很可能会在聚会上见到你的对手

She stands a good chance of becoming a world champion.... | I think you stand a good chance of seeing your opponents at the party. 我想你很可能会在聚会上见到你的对手. | 21. seek out: look for and find...

Statehood Republican Party:州地位共和党

Strategy for Joint Arab Economic Development;阿拉伯经济联合发展战略;; | Statehood Republican Party;州地位共和党;; | stateless person;无国籍人;;

[U] people who support a political party, team, etc:(政党、球队等的)支持者, 拥护者

*Jim was a great support to us when father died. 父亲死後... | 4 [U] people who support a political party, team, etc (政党、球队等的)支持者, 拥护者 | *The theatre has had to close for lack of support. 这...

surprise party:惊喜晚会

[详细解答]男士说也许不该把星期五将要为Natalie举行的意外惊喜晚会(surprise party)告诉Eugene,女士说她不担心,因为Euene许诺不会先告诉Natalie,而Eugene不是一个轻易许诺的人.

surprise party:惊喜派对

曾经有过一次惊喜派对(surprise party)的经验,让我今生难以忘怀. 搬到香港之前,在纽约一间广吿公司上班的最后一天,有同亊叫我开会,説我的客戶有亊. 当我满腹愁云地打开会议室房门,只听到部门十几个人雀跃着齐声欢呼"surprise!

第78/100页 首页 < ... 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ... > 尾页
Crazy Little Party Girl
Introduction: Come To The Party
Aaron's Party (Come Get It)
Life Is A Party
Party Party Party
Party Party Party
Party Party
Party After Party
The Party & The After Party
Party Like I Party

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制