英语人>网络解释>pale 相关的网络解释
与 pale 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Pallbearer, The:出殡抱佳人

Pale Rider 单枪匹马闯龙潭 1985 | Pallbearer, The 出殡抱佳人 1997 | Panorama Blues 蓝色电影 1980


Pale tongue 淡白舌 | Palpation 切诊 | Palpitation 心悸

pampered rock stars:被别人宠坏了的摇滚乐明星们

pale in comparison with 和......相比显得相形见绌 192 | pampered rock stars 被别人宠坏了的摇滚乐明星们 148 | paralyze that muscle 麻痹肌肉 395

pancake roll:(蛋卷)

pale ale(浅色汽水) light ale | ◆ pancake-roll(蛋卷) egg roll | ◆ panda car(巡逻警车) paddy wagon

panther, puma:新大陆豹

pale clouded yellow 纹黄蝶 | panther, puma 新大陆豹 | parakeet 长尾鹦鹉


注重有无"5P征"发 生"5P征":痛苦悲伤(Pain)、麻木(Paralysis)、运动障 碍(Paralysis)、无脉(Pulseless)、苍白(pale)对合并 有冠心病、动脉粥样硬化的老年病人及一侧反复多次穿刺 者更应密切看察


Butter oils when heated .黄油受热就融化. | 5、Pate 一词的用法 | ①He turned pale at the news. 他听到那个消息面容失色.

light-bluish-green ; pea green:豆青

粉青 powder green ; pale blue | 豆青 light-bluish-green ; pea green | 影青 shadowy blue ; misty colour ; misty blue

peace and quiet:平静与安

bits and pieces 零星杂物; 只言片语. | peace and quiet 平静与安 | pale and wan (指人的脸色) 脸色苍白; 没有血色.

yellowish pink:粉黄色

Pale gold 金色 | Yellowish pink 粉黄色 | Yellowish red 黄红色

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Pale Blue Eyes
Pale Purple
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Pale September
Whiter Shade Of Pale
Pale Blue Dot
A Whiter Shade Of Pale
Whiter Shade Of Pale
A Whiter Shade Of Pale

CYL or cyl. cylinder:气缸

CW curb weight整备质量 | CYL or cyl. cylinder气缸 | drive(自动变速器)前进档位,档位

Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye:忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见

You have my place to stay,you have my mother to stay 我的胸怀可让你倚靠,我... | Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye 忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见 | Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine张开眼睛你...

Why would I hallucinate that:为什么我会幻想到这个

She had blonde hair.|她是一头金发 | Why would I hallucinate that?|为什么我会幻想到这个? | Yes.|是啊