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lower one's voice:低声说话, 压低嗓子

lose one's voice 嗓子哑了 | lower one's voice 低声说话, 压低嗓子 | raise one's voice against sth. 为抗议某事而大声疾呼

One cannot make bricks without straw:巧妇难为无米之炊

39. One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 朽木不可雕. | 40. One cannot make bricks without straw. 巧妇难为无米之炊. | 41. One cannot put back the clock. 光阴一去不复返.

One cannot make bricks without straw:没有稻草烧不成砖. ?巧妇难为无米之炊

One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. 朽木雕不成美器. | One cannot make bricks without straw. ?没有稻草烧不成砖. ?巧妇难为无米之炊. | One cannot put back the clock. 历史的车轮不能倒转.

make good one one's debt:偿付,支付(债务)

629make good偿付,支付(债务) | 630make good one one's debt偿付,支付(债务) | 632make no room for不给...让出地方或时间

make one's bed:整理床铺;铺床

54. ignore one's rights 忽视某人的权利 | 55. make one's bed 整理床铺;铺床 | 56. do one's own laundry 洗衣服

make one's bed and lie on it:自作自受

make one's own bed 自作自受 | make one's bed and lie on it 自作自受 | make one's own bed and lie on it 自作自受

realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true:实现梦想

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society | 93.实现梦想 realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true | 94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true:实现幻想

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society | 93.实现幻想 realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true | 94. 重要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

realize one's s dream/ make one's dream come true:实现梦想

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society | 93.实现梦想 realize one's s dream/ make one's dream come true | 94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

make one's flesh crawl:(使)毛骨悚然,(使)起鸡皮疙瘩

make one's appearance%[]%登台,出现% | make one's flesh crawl%[]%(使)毛骨悚然,(使)起鸡皮疙瘩% | make one's flesh creep%[]%使人毛骨悚然%

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One Man, One Woman
One By One
One Man Woman, One Woman Man
One People, One Struggle
One On One
One Plus One Is One
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer
One One One

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制