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on the make相关的网络解释

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与 on the make 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

at the time of:在......的时候

on his return中的介词on表示时间,意思是"在......的时候"(at the time of)或"一......就"(directly after),强调两个动作先后随即发生. 例如:think up作"想出(主意)"(think of an idea)解,有"发明"(invent)、"编造"(make up)的含意. 例如:

at the time of:的时候

on his return中的介词on表示时间,意思是"在......的时候"(at the time of)或"一......就"(directly after),强调两个动作先后随即发生. 例如:think up作"想出(主意)"(think of an idea)解,有"发明"(invent)、"编造"(make up)的含意. 例如:

A line has to be drawn somewhere-I can't go on lending you money:事情总得有个分寸--我不能继续借给你钱了

He went on studying deep into the n... | A line has to be drawn somewhere-I can't go on lending you money. 事情总得有个分寸--我不能继续借给你钱了. | If you go on drinking like this you'll make yoursel...

加点chop-chop(调酒的东西) 小姐:And put the chop-chop on that,lady

Yeah,can we get two Long Island Iced Teas?|能给我们来... | And put the chop-chop on that,lady.|加点chop-chop(调酒的东西) 小姐 | Could you make mine a double? And two shots of tequila,please.|可以给我的加...

do some research on / into sth:做关于......的研究

4. 整理床铺 make the beds | 5. 做关于......的研究 do some research on / into sth. | 6. 扫地 sweep the floor

to make a killing:獲暴利成語英美片語成語

62897獲得極大成功成語英美片語成語to set the world on fire | 62898獲滿堂彩;使哄堂大笑成語英美片語成語to bring down the house | 62899獲暴利成語英美片語成語to make a killing

knock oneself out - make a great effort:把自己弄得精疲力竭,尽最大努力

76、keep on one's toes - be ready for action; prepared保... | 77、knock oneself out - make a great effort把自己弄得精疲力竭,尽最大努力 | 78、learn the ropes - learn the rules and routines of a placeoracti...

chill keep one's shirt on:冷静下来

直截了当地right off the bat make no bones about straight from the shoulder pull no puches | 冷静下来chill keep one's shirt on | 棒极了、精彩极了sweet bring down the house knock one dead

I can set the world on fire:(我可以改变未来. )

10、I can make the impossible possible. (我可以把不可能变成可能. ) | 11、I can set the world on fire. (我可以改变未来. ) | 12、I can help countless people. (我可以获得巨大成功!)

make sure the best friend hasn't whisked him away:确保没被最好的朋友给卷走

well,you better check in on him.|你最好盯紧了他 | make sure the best friend hasn't whisked him away|确保没被最好的朋友给卷走 | to do some friendly activity. oh,shut up.|- 一起做些很友好的事 - 噢 闭嘴

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Make Me A Pallet On The Floor


脊椎动物亚门(Vertebrata)硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)所有种类之通称,包括现存鱼类的绝大部分,几乎包括世界所有供垂钓的鱼种与经济鱼种在内. 科学术语Pisces亦指此而言. 硬骨鱼纲指除了盲鳗、七鳃鳗等无腭纲(Agnatha)及鲨、鳐、魟等软骨鱼纲(Chondrichthyes)外,

snap lock:弹簧锁

至今,宜家已经接到11起弹簧锁(snap lock)损坏的投诉,当中一名孩童受伤,另一名孩童几乎受伤. 受伤的孩子事发生时正坐在高椅上,弹簧锁突然损坏,导致他连人带椅穿框跌落在地,双腿瘀伤. 另一名孩童被发现嘴里含有松脱的弹簧锁,险些就被噎着.

a bad break:失言 丢人 倒霉, 不幸

break through: 突破,冲破;取得突破性的成就. | a bad break失言; 丢人; 倒霉, 不幸 | a good break好机会; 好运气