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not well相关的网络解释

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与 not well 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The king, the regiment and the lady of the house:敬国王,炮兵团 和女主人

...and the lady of the house.|还有... | The king, the regiment and the lady of the house.|敬国王,炮兵团 和女主人 | Well, gentlemen, technically speaking I'm not actually the lady of the house...|好吧,先...

The Welsh name translates as 'Land's End:这个威尔士语的地名可译成"兰兹角

Most poetry does not translate well. 詩歌大... | The Welsh name translates as 'Land's End'. 這個威爾士語的地名可譯成"蘭茲角". | to change something, or to be changed, into a different form (使)轉變,變...

with the lay out over there:那边的环境

Well, I'm afraid I'm not too familiar|恐怕我还不是很熟悉 | with the lay out over there.|那边的环境 | Perhaps u could meet me|或许你可以

I mean, I left rather abruptly:我是说,我走的很突然

Well, not in so many words.|是啊,没有明确说 | I mean, I left rather abruptly.|我是说,我走的很突然 | - I think I should call them then. - Mm.|- 那么我会给他们打电话的 - 嗯

let it go at that:不再谈论或做某事;就此为止

We decided to let him into secret. 我们决定让他知道这个... | let it go at that不再谈论或做某事;就此为止: | It's not worth continuing further; we may as well let it go at that. 这件事不值得再继续了,不妨...

the limo:他说那间房间要花他

- Dad, come on! - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Go on.|爸爸,别打断我 对不起... | Then he goes, "Well, the limo, the room and the tux,|他说那间房间要花他 | And I said, "I'm sorry. I'm just not..."|我对他说,真的...

I just need to know that in this misbegotten corner of manhattan:我只是想知道曼哈顿的

Not that I give two hoots about finance.|可不是想... | I just need to know that in this misbegotten corner of manhattan,|我只是想知道曼哈顿的 | that wealth, ambition and moral laxity are alive and well....

Thank you, Paulie. DEENA: Paul, he hit on your mother in law:谢谢,保罗 - 保罗,他勾搭你的丈母娘

- Well, yeah. - Okay, he's not that bad.|- 是... | - Thank you, Paulie. DEENA: Paul, he hit on your mother in law.|- 谢谢,保罗 - 保罗,他勾搭你的丈母娘 | - I've banged worse. - Thank you, Vonda.|- 我遇到...

I was mouthing off:我当时满嘴脏话

That's not your concern. 你就不用操心了. | I was mouthing off. 我当时满嘴脏话. | Well,it's more complicated than we originally thought. 恩,事情比我们原来想的要复杂得多.

This is The Omen with whiskers. Nostradamus didn't see this thing coming:是预言家没有料到 会降临的有胡须的恶魔

Pathetic? He's Hitler with a ta... | This is The Omen with whiskers. Nostradamus didn't see this thing coming.|是预言家没有料到 会降临的有胡须的恶魔 | - W-Well, Ernie, he's a living thing. - Not for lo...

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Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务