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not well相关的网络解释

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与 not well 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Soon the Jedi will not only be|at war with you, Count:很快, 绝地不仅要与你为敌, 伯爵

Yes, my lord.|是的, 大人 | Soon the Jedi will not only be|at war with you, Count,|很快, 绝地不仅要与你为敌, 伯爵 | but the Hutt clan as well.|他们还将与赫特族开战

You should not be contemptuous of underprivileged people:你不应该看不起无权无势的人

He was conscious of his guilt.^他自知有罪... | You should not be contemptuous of underprivileged people.^你不应该看不起无权无势的人. | You should be well content with your daughter.^你应该对你的女儿感到...

be not in trouble:没有麻烦事

(4)leave a message 留言 | (5)be not in trouble 没有麻烦事 | (6)do well in 在......干得不错

i am not a man to equivocate:我可不是个模棱两可的人

22.If the inmate appeals to me for intervention, how can I turn my back on him? 如果... | 23.I' am not a man to equivocate 我可不是个模棱两可的人 | 24.You'd be well-versed in how our government's tax s...

Fibber. You did not. - Yes, I did:骗人!你没有 我有

I did, only last night.|我昨晚就做过 | - Fibber. You did not. - Yes, I did.|骗人!你没有 我有 | Well, in my dreams.|在我的梦里

and I'm not even a foster parent. So:我甚至没有领养小孩的资格,所以

Well, it's complicated, I mean, there's this whole process,|说起来很复杂,有很多手续要办 | and I'm not even a foster parent. So...|我甚至没有领养小孩的资格,所以... | It'll be fine.|没事的

Generalship consists in strategy not in courage:将在谋而不在勇

少见多怪-He who has seen little, marvels much. | 将在谋而不在勇-Generalship consists in strategy not in courage. | 临渴掘井-Waiting till you are thirsty before digging your well.

Rach, gleba is not a word:瑞秋,葛利巴不算一句话

Why aren't you more excited?|为什么你没有很兴奋呢? | Rach, gleba is not a word.|瑞秋,葛利巴不算一句话 | - Well, of course it is. - Okay. What does it mean?|-它当然算 -好吧,那它是什么意思呢?

Their accounts do not hang together:他们的叙述不相符合

The curtains hang well. 窗帘挂得挺合适. | Their accounts do not hang together. 他们的叙述不相符合. | The decision is still hanging. 尚未作出决定.

Not necessarily expensive but heartful:礼轻情义重

They say one thing and mean another. 他们总是口是心非. | Not necessarily expensive but heartful. 礼轻情义重. | I can't see her too well. 我看不清她.

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Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务