英语人>网络解释>not close 相关的网络解释
not close相关的网络解释

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与 not close 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

be situated in=be located in;lie in /on:坐落在

14. last but not least 最后但同样重要的 | 15. be situated in=be located in;lie in /on 坐落在...... | 16. close down 倒闭,封闭,关闭

If you have a quarrel with someone close to you,try to solve only the present issue:当你和你亲近的人吵嘴的时候,试着就事论事,不要扯出那些陈芝麻、烂谷子的事

28.Do whatever is possible ... | 29.If you... | 30.Do not revol...

If love not seldom has received:假如爱常被接受

Nor speech is close nor fingers numb, 既不亲近也不麻木不仁, | If love not seldom has received 假如爱常被接受 | An unjust answer, was deceived. 一个不公的答案,就是欺骗.

Not bad at all:还不赖嘛

What if I'm late returning the car ?那如果我还车晚了怎么办? | Not bad at all 还不赖嘛 | That was close ! 好险!a

Not bad at all:还不赖嘛来源:壹壹英语

What if I'm late returning the car ?那如果我还车晚了怎么办? | Not bad at all 还不赖嘛来源:壹壹英语 | That was close ! 好险!a

straight-backed chairs:直背椅

a boat sailing in a straight line 直線航行的船 | straight-backed chairs 直背椅 | not fitting close to the body and not curving away from the body 直筒型(非緊身)的

You still medalled. Bronze:你还是可以赢得铜牌

Done!|好了 | You still medalled. Bronze.|你还是可以赢得铜牌 | -Not even close. -lt's straight. lt's not even bent.|连边都沾不上 直直的, 连弯都不弯

Stream not with blood; it mingles with thy tears:把你受创的眼珠正视着和平与死

Close those wan lips; let that thorn-wounded brow 不要再流... | Stream not with blood; it mingles with thy tears! 把你受创的眼珠正视着和平与死, | Fix, fix those tortured orbs in peace and death, 你的阵...

body lining too tight:衫身裡過緊

belt loops not preperly sewn 耳仔位置不對,不直等 | body lining too tight 衫身裡過緊 | bottom fraying due to serging not close enough 止口不足引致腳邊損壞

Dog cooties. Somebody inoculate me, please:狗虱子 来人啊,谁给我接种疫苗

Not close. Oh, great.|不要靠近我 噢,太棒了 | Dog cooties. Somebody inoculate me, please.|狗虱子 来人啊,谁给我接种疫苗 | This is a nightmare. l...|这太可怕了,我...

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Not Even Close


favourable 赞成的 | favourably 顺利地 | favoured 受优惠的

Oh, God! This is so nerve-racking. How do you do this:老天,这真是折磨人你是怎么习惯的

Me too.|我也是 | Oh, God! This is so nerve-racking. How do you do this?|老天,这真是折磨人你是怎么习惯的? | Fortunately, I don't get many callbacks, so...|我过关的经验不多,所以


luxury 豪华的 | beachside 海滩边的 | plunge pool 游泳池