英语人>网络解释>normal 相关的网络解释

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与 normal 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Normal Indexes:普通索引

索引表 IOT Tables | 普通索引Normal Indexes | 位图索引Bitmap Indexes

Light Moisture for Normal to Oilier Skin:清爽滋润水分露(中性至干性)

Hydrating Nighttime Moisture 水分夜间滋润露 | Light Moisture for Normal to Oilier Skin 清爽滋润水分露(中性至干性) | OilFree Hydrator for Oilier Skin 无油滋润露(较油性)

A normal person wouldn't steal pituitaries:[拾人口水沫](拾人牙慧

Same old rules: no eyes, no groin. [唔准抠眼,唔准踢裆] | A normal person wouldn't steal pituitaries. [拾人口水沫](拾人牙慧?) | Damn, I'll burn you into a BBQ chicken! [顶你个肺,我真系要烧死你做烧鸡!...

Resenting your sister is very normal in this kind of situation:在这种情况下,恨你妹妹很正常

your physchological development.|每一个方面非常... | Resenting your sister is very normal in this kind of situation.|在这种情况下,恨你妹妹很正常 | You said you've been having dreams about her?|你刚说有...

normal spirals:正型旋渦

山地氣候 mountain climate | 正型旋渦 normal spirals | 沙漠氣候 desert climate

normal telephones:普通手机

14. That's a good price 价格公道 | 16. normal telephones 普通手机 | 17. keep in touch with sb 和某人取得联系

NORMAL TOKENS:普通歌曲搜索排名(待验证

.FFR LOW RES : 缩小版的FFR游戏首页(低分辨率屏幕适用) | .NORMAL TOKENS :普通歌曲搜索排名(待验证...- -) | .SKILL TOKENS : 技巧型歌曲(高难度歌曲)搜索排名(待验证...- -)

Transgressed my normal patina:打破固有的想法

Strangulation 窒息 被掐死 | Transgressed my normal patina 打破固有的想法 | Get out of my face. 一边去

have now trekked much further than their normal hunting range:跋涉了比平时更远的路程

Lohr, Gnoc and Do'og...|Lohr, Gnoc和... | ...have now trekked much further than their normal hunting range.|...跋涉了比平时更远的路程 | They travel through the mountains from valley to valley.|他们走过...

Normal payers:一般纳税人

Be carried forward to next period 结转下期 | Normal payers 一般纳税人 | Levying rate 征收率

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Normal Person
Normal Town
Mount Normal
Normal Chicks
I Am Everything That's Normal
Leaving Normal
A Disruption In The Normal Swing Of Things

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制