英语人>网络解释>normal 相关的网络解释

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与 normal 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

normal set:良序集

normal series 正规列 | normal set 良序集 | normal simplicial mapping 正规单形映射

normal space:正规空间

normal solvable operator 正规可解算子 | normal space 正规空间 | normal surface 法曲面

normal space:标准间隔,正规空间

normal sequence space 正规序列空间 | normal space 标准间隔; 正规空间 | normal spectral measure space 正规谱测度空间

normal speed:正常速度

normal solution 当量溶液 | normal speed 正常速度 | normal speed 正常速率

normal speed:常用船速

法向应力 normal stress | 常用船速 normal speed | 常用出力 normal output

normal speed:正常速率

正滑阀 normal slide valve | 正常速[率] normal speed | 正常推力 normal thrust

Normal Speed Program:正常速度指令

6132 normal running 正常運行 | 6133 Normal Speed Program 正常速度指令 | 6134 Normal stop signal 定位平安號誌機;定位險阻號誌機

normal stress:法向应力

normal strain 法向应变 | normal stress 法向应力 | normal surface 垂直面,正效面

normal surface:法曲面

normal space 正规空间 | normal surface 法曲面 | normal tensor 正规张量

normal surface:法面

normal superposition 正常层序 | normal surface 法面 | normal temperature 常温

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Normal Person
Normal Town
Mount Normal
Normal Chicks
I Am Everything That's Normal
Leaving Normal
A Disruption In The Normal Swing Of Things

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...