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与 narrow 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


來自: Tef'e | 1. River Terrapin 巴達庫爾龜 | 2. Striped Narrow-headed Softshell Turtle 印度紋背鱉

a night bird:过惯夜生活的人

a narrow escape 死里逃生,九死一生 | a night bird 过惯夜生活的人 | a piece of cake 容易的事,小事一桩

to storerooms in the gables:为手推车的上下提供方便

而从阁楼的储藏室中伸下狭窄的吊桥 and narrow, cleated gangplanks slant up | 为手推车的上下提供方便 to storerooms in the gables | 处处笼罩在银色之中: for the wheelbarrows to be pushed up and down on.


窄轨距铁路 narrow gauge railway | 站线 sidings | 折板结构 folded plate structure

retirees on pensions:靠退休金生活

office towers that have sprouted nearby. 大楼如雨后春笋般起来 | retirees on pensions 靠退休金生活 | the narrow lane echoes with the bounce of soccer balls 胡同里尽踢足球的声音

I'm outnumbered. Outgunned:我人单力孤,弹药不足

Dozens of them. Armed to the teeth.|数十位敌人,全副武装 | I'm outnumbered. Outgunned.|我人单力孤,弹药不足 | But the alley is crooked. Dark and very narrow.|不过小巷弯曲 黑暗狭窄

bottle; pressure:耐压瓶

细颈瓶 bottle; narrow-necked | 耐压瓶 bottle; pressure | 试剂瓶 bottle; reagent

tilting of oxygen octahedra:氧八面体扭转

窄脉冲:Narrow pulse | 氧八面体扭转:tilting of oxygen octahedra | 氧八面体畸变:tilting of oxygen octahedral

Race / Carve board for Hard Boots and Plates, Very Responsive, Expert Riders:种族/雕刻局努力靴子和板,非常负责任,专家车手

2006 Prior WCR 167 cm Race/Alpi... | Race / Carve board for Hard Boots and Plates, Very Responsive, Expert Riders.种族/雕刻局努力靴子和板,非常负责任,专家车手. | Smooth lines, narrow waist, low profile...

dustpan; winnowing basket:箕

narrow things down; winnow, dust pan | 箕 dustpan; winnowing basket | 洗衣机 washing machine; washer

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Narrow Way
Narrow Daylight
Weak Brain And Narrow Mind
Narrow Road
Narrow Escape
The Narrow Way
Narrow Minded Social Club
The Straight And The Narrow
Straight & Narrow
Narrow Your Eyes

Elite Guard BUMBLEBEE- Autobot Speedster:精英卫队版大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士

Bumblebee- Autobot Speedster/大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士 | Elite Guard BUMBLEBEE- Autobot Speedster/精英卫队版大黄蜂-汽车人疾速战士 | Grimlock-Dinobot Leader/钢锁-机器恐龙领袖

Micheal jackson:最喜欢的作家

现在最喜欢的音乐专辑Speechless | 最喜欢的作家Micheal jackson | 现在最喜欢的游戏Tennis


hysterogenous 表成次生沉积的 | hysteromorphous 表成次生沉积的 | Hysterophyta 真菌