查询词典 nailed
- 与 nailed 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
nailed roof truss 钉固屋架 | nailer 可钉条 | nailing 打钉
nailed wood lug 木箱 | nailer 钉钉板,制钉工人 | nailery 制钉厂
nailhead bonder:钉头式接合器
nailed boots 三齿钉登山鞋 | nailhead bonder 钉头式接合器 | nailhead 点子花纹细呢
Nailing machine:钉入机
nailed joint 钉连接 | nailing machine 钉入机 | naive model 简单模型
naive user:初级用户
勉强除错 nailed to the wall | 初级用户 naive user | 裸指示器 naked indicator
He is off colour today:他今天心情特别沮丧
Every body tried to convince him, but he nailed his colours to the mast. 大家试图说服他,可... | He is off colour today. 他今天心情特别沮丧. | 11."sail under false colours"=pretend to be what he isn't ...
His death on the cross; and:他在十字架上的死亡;和
He is nailed to the cross;他釘在十字架; | His death on the cross; and他在十字架上的死亡;和 | His body is taken down from the cross.他的身體是採取從交叉.
His death on the cross; and:他的逝世对两岸关系
He is nailed to the cross;他是钉十字架; | His death on the cross; and他的逝世对两岸关系; | His body is taken down from the cross.他的身体是采取从十字架上.
They're even found in random order:尸体甚至是不依次序被发现的
But there's no pattern or the computers would've nailed it.|但并没... | They're even found in random order.|尸体甚至是不依次序被发现的 | Random because of the one girl. The one he weighted down.|不依次序...
Jesus Christ ! That's sacrilegious. Sacrilegious:上帝啊 这是渎神 - 渎神
Aye. Even when he's nailed to a cross.|是的 就算被钉在十字... | Jesus Christ ! That's sacrilegious. Sacrilegious.|- 上帝啊 这是渎神 - 渎神 | Aye. No, no. He was a dirty thief.|- 是的 - 不 不 他是个肮脏...
- 推荐网络解释
Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格
Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批
斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul
软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray