英语人>网络解释>most 相关的网络解释
与 most 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It has the most comfortable seats:它拥有最舒适的座位

2.What is the best radio station? 哪个是最好的广播电台? | 3.It has the most comfortable seats.它拥有最舒适的座位. | 4.What do young people think about places in town? 年轻人关于镇上的位置是什么看法...

You see? It is most comfortable:看吧,这里最舒服了

Hello.|哈罗 | You see? It is most comfortable.|看吧,这里最舒服了 | Sahib?|大人

most comfortable loudness level, MCL level:最适响度级

感觉级 sensation level, SL | 最适响度级 most comfortable loudness level, MCL level | 响度不适级 loudness discomfort level, LDL

most commonly used:最常用的

行为不端的 misbehave | 最常用的 most commonly used | 复合的多样的 multiple

the most commonly:(动词) 最普通地

commonly 普通的 | the most commonly...(动词) 最普通地 | cited reason 列举的理由

most commonly used language:最常用的语言

联合国使用的语言:English French Russian Chinese Spainsh Arabic | most commonly used language最常用的语言 | English speaking countries以英语为母语的国家

Most commonly performed tests:最常用的环境测试实验

etc. 等等 | Most commonly performed tests: 最常用的环境测试实验 | ? Dynamic 动力测试

Most commonly mailed or received domains:最常見的郵寄或收到的域名

Fastest Responding person.最快的響應人. | Most commonly mailed or received domains.最常見的郵寄或收到的域名. | Attachments and what not.附件和什麼不是.

the most competitive:最有竞争性的

9. 大订单 large orders | 10. 最有竞争性的 the most competitive | 11. 最好的 the best

the most competitive products:拳头产品

steel 钢铁 | the most competitive products 拳头产品 | timber 木材

第76/100页 首页 < ... 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 ... > 尾页
Even At Our Worst We're Still Better Than Most (The Roller)
America's Most Wanted
A Most Profound Quiet
What Hurts The Most
What Matters Most
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
It's A Most Unusual Day
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
The Most Beautiful Girl
Most Of All


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis