查询词典 money-lender
- 与 money-lender 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
pay money for sth:为...付钱
3. Bank of China中国银行 | 4. pay money for sth.为...付钱 | 5. pay phone投币式公用电话
pay money for sth:为某物付款
22、borrow...from.. 向...借 | 23、pay money for sth.为某物付款 | 24、argue with 和...争吵
Buy a penny bank, save some pocket money:买个零钱罐,存点零花钱
享受一次香香的、热腾腾的泡泡浴. Enjoy a spicy and reeky bubble bath~ | 买个零钱罐,存点零花钱. Buy a penny bank, save some pocket money~ | 清理你的衣橱. Clean up your wardrobe~
pin money:零花钱
11、 你们的早餐通常是牛奶里兑上麦片,或者是在烤香肠(sausage)上泼上西红柿和黄豆一起煮的酱. 49、 你们的方向盘(steering wheel)在右边. 53、 小时候,你有通过劳动从父母那获得零花钱(pin money)的经历.
pin money:零用钱
现在流行的每周零用钱(the weekly allowance) 或零用钱 (pin money) 是父母给孩子们用于娱乐(看电影等),或回报孩子们所做家务(扫地、剪草坪、或仍垃圾等)的一笔固定的钱.
pin money:私房钱
Pin down with a label 给某人定性,通常是 负面的 | *Pin money 私房钱 | Pinch of salt 将信将疑
pin money:外快
外景/nature view | 外快/pin money | 外来词/adopted word
Occasional: It is quite occasional that Fanncy starts to save pin money:(看着和上面的词像 但是 这个只有一个意思 就是当偶然的讲)
Occasion:James only wears suit on ... | Occasional: It is quite occasional that Fanncy starts to save pin money (看着和上面的词像 但是 这个只有一个意思 就是当偶然的讲) | Occupation: James wants to be a...
pocket money:零用钱
男孩子则会每天清晨把当天报纸送到各家各户门口(delivering the newspapers),也会帮助街坊割草(mowing the lawn)、修饰庭院(renovating the yard). 这不仅让他们学会自己挣零用钱(pocket money),更能培养他们独立自主(independent)和社交的能力(social skills).
pocket money:两条牛仔龙
在拍摄>的时候,马利克还是罗德学院(Rhodes Scholar)哲学系的学生,当时他29岁,和电影的唯一联系是曾做过>(Pocket Money)的编剧.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Money Money Money
- Money, Money
- Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered
- Money Money Money
- Money, Money
- Money Money Money
- Money, Money
- Get Money, Spend Money, No Money
- Gettin' Money (The Get Money Remix)
- Money Money Money
- 推荐网络解释
I couldn't be more tragic:我就披下喜剧的华服
And if I were the King of Rome 若我非罗马王 | I couldn't be more tragic 我就披下喜剧的华服 | My fate to roam 命运支使
speak in public:在公共场合说话
58.do a personality survey 做一个性格调查 | 59.speak in public 在公共场合说话 | 60.hardly ever 几乎不
2、执行"编辑"(Edit)|"变换"( Transform)|"扭曲(distort)命令,将"三维字"拉成透视状. 百度(baidu)提供的内容