英语人>网络解释>money-lender 相关的网络解释

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与 money-lender 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A: That's fine. I'll take it. Here is the money:好的,我就买这. 给你钱

B: That's the lowest price. 这是最低价. | 9. A: That's fine. I'll take it. Here is the money. 好的,我就买这. 给你钱. | B: thank you. 谢谢.

I'm broke. I should have saved some money:我身无分文. 我早该存些钱

What's that? 什么问题? | I'm broke. I should have saved some money. 我身无分文. 我早该存些钱. | I know. 我知道.

idle money:闲置资金

为稳定通胀,陈宝明认为当局要在加速人民币升值速度以及加息中作选择,前者会进一步加重出口企业负担,后者则会打击各行业,较可能的做法是再提高存款准备金率,但由於银行仍有闲置资金(idle money)存於央行,加上企业可利用地下渠道借款,

idle money:闲散资金

ideology 意识形态 | idle money 闲散资金 | in another related development 另据报道

idle money:游資;閒置資金

Identity matrix 单位矩阵 | Idle money 游资;闲置资金 | Ill-conditioned data 弱条件资料

idle money:游资

IDEED, Mohammed Bin Omar Bin Ahmed;穆罕默德.本.奥马尔.艾哈迈德.伊迪德;; | idle money;游资;; | Idemitsu Oil Development Co, Ltd, Japan;日本出光石油开发株式会社;;

ill-gotten money:不义之财

89. 支离破碎torn to pieces | 90. 不义之财ill-gotten money | 128. 心灰意冷be in black despair

in either case, significantly increase your chances of making money:在这两种情况下,大大增加你的机会赚钱

you will have the freedom to choose another prod... | in either case, significantly increase your chances of making money.在这两种情况下,大大增加你的机会赚钱. | By the way, if you are reading this and ...

In exchange for money:我得拿钱去换

They were just giving those away at the store.|那是唱片行的赠品 | In exchange for money.|我得拿钱去换 | Hey.|嘿

among them? We run around in order to earn money. It is already a long:为了钱四处奔波 早就吃够了打工的苦

In this world, rich people are everywhere. Why c... | among them? We run around in order to earn money. It is already a long 为了钱四处奔波 早就吃够了打工的苦 | time since we tasted the bitterness of d...

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Money Money Money
Money, Money
Bulls Make Money, Bears Make Money, Pigs Get Slaughtered
Money Money Money
Money, Money
Money Money Money
Money, Money
Get Money, Spend Money, No Money
Gettin' Money (The Get Money Remix)
Money Money Money

go to the theatre:去剧院

一位老人an old man | 去剧院go to the theatre | 去那边go there

Bram Stokers Dracula:[吸血惊情四百年]

此外还有中国香港、日本等地拍的几部烂片--一直到92年科波拉(Francis Ford Coppola)的<<吸血惊情四百年>>(Bram Stokers Dracula)石破天惊,一举重写罗马尼亚历史,标志着吸血鬼影片在90年代之后的复兴.

Streusel Cannelle:肉桂麵糖

榛實餡 Creme Noisette | 肉桂麵糖 Streusel Cannelle | 夾心餡 Garniture