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与 moment 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

He is indisposed at the moment:他现在很忙

1616嗯,你跟他说他迟点再回电话 Yeah, well, you'll have to tell them to call him back. | 1617他现在很忙 He is indisposed at the moment. | 1618他妈妈病了 His mama's sick.

Ashley's troubles couldn 't come at a more inopportune moment:对于副总统候选人来说

...after spring-breaking on South Pad... | Ashley's troubles couldn 't come at a more inopportune moment...|对于副总统候选人来说 | ...for the potential vice president, as the president is two days away...

moment - insignificance:瞬间;重要 - 不重要

401. mollify - rouse 缓和 - 激起 | 402. moment - insignificance 瞬间;重要 - 不重要 | 403. mordant - genial 辛辣的 - 温和的

Jekyll and Hyde: This is The Moment:是时候了(选自《变身怪医>

皆大欢喜(选自>) The Wiz: Everybody Rejoice | 是时候了(选自>) Jekyll and Hyde: This is The Moment | 早安,巴尔的摩(选自>) Hairspray: Good Morning Baltimore

To live firmly and joyously in the moment:踏实而喜悦地活在这个时刻

让你快乐, To make you happy. | 踏实而喜悦地活在这个时刻. To live firmly and joyously in the moment. | 我只知道十一月, November is all I know,

Just a moment:等一会儿

571. Hello. May I speak to Mr. Green? 你好,我找格林先生. | 572. Just a moment. 等一会儿. | 573. Hold on. 等一会儿.

Just a moment:稍等片刻

it's your turn. 该你了. | just a moment. 稍等片刻. | just in time. 及时赶到.

Just a moment:请稍等

牐 Thank you 谢谢 | 牐 Just a moment请稍等 | 牐 Right away 马上

Just a moment:稍等一下

18. put sb. to the trouble of doing sth. (给某人增加做某事的麻烦) | 19. just a moment (稍等一下) | 20. just the thing (正是此物)

Just a moment, please:请稍等一下

49) Is there anything I can do for you? 有什么能为您效劳的吗? | 50) Just a moment, please. 请稍等一下. | 51) Don't worry about it 别担心.

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This Magic Moment / True Love (Medley)
One Moment Away
Mary Ellen Makes The Moment Count
Moment In Time
Moment To Reflect
Moment To Moment
Moment To Moment
Moment To Moment

soot door:出灰口

soot pit 出灰坑 | soot door 出灰口 | soot 烟黑

Meat Tenderize:肉锤

Sharpening Steel磨刀棒 | Meat Tenderize肉锤 | Film保鲜膜

Tamil Nadu:泰米尔纳德

海得拉巴珠宝展主要的目标买家来自南印度四个邦--安得拉邦(Andhra Pradesh), 泰米尔纳德(Tamil Nadu), 喀拉拉(Kerala), 卡纳塔克(Kamataka)及中东. 这些买家包括珠宝批发商、零售商、进出口商、珠宝制造商、钻石及宝石供应商及经销商、珍珠供应商及经销商、贵金属及镶嵌珠宝的供应商及经销商、奢侈品个人消费者.