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与 modernization 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a major policy:重大决策/长期的基本国策

1. 现代化建设 modernization drive | 2. 重大决策/长期的基本国策 a major policy | 3. 全方位的对外开放的格局已经形成 multi-directional opening-up pattern has taken shape

pine and cypress culture:松柏文化

韩国现代化:Korean modernization | 松柏文化:pine and cypress culture | 松材线虫病:pine wilt disease

National cognitions:国家认知

信息化带动教育现代化成为一个强烈的民族信念 Informatization leading educational modernization be... | 国家认知 National cognitions | 信息化作为国家发展战略要素 Taking informatization as a key element of...

Early reformists:早期改良派

早期现代化:early modernization | 早期改良派:Early reformists | 早期卵裂:early cleavage

Other Characteristics 0{the Roman Catholic Church:天主教的其他特点

5.Catholic Religious Orders 天主教修会 | 6.Other Characteristics 0{the Roman Catholic Church 天主教的其他特点 | 7.The Modernization of the Roman Catholic Church 天主教的现代化

Cuban Missile Crisis:古巴导弹事件

Gang of Four 四人帮 | Cuban missile crisis 古巴导弹事件 | Four Modernization 四个现代化

Energy Efficient Drive:高效变频器

Smart Maintenance, 智能维护 | Energy Efficient Drive, 高效变频器 | Modernization 现代化

(使)免除, (使)免疫, (=immunisation):immunization n

modernization n. 现代化 (=modernisation) | immunization n. (使)免除, (使)免疫, (=immunisation) | vulgarization n. 俗化, 卑俗化, (=vulgarisation)

Tradition of the four masterworks:奇书传统

中国叙事传统:Chinese narrative tradition | 奇书传统:Tradition of the four masterworks | 传统和现代:tradition and modernization

The Communist International & Chinese Revolution:共产国际与中国革命

当代中国现代化发展史 Developmental History of Chinese Modernization | 共产国际与中国革命 The Communist International & Chinese Revolution | 毛泽东思想概论 The Thought of Mao Zedong

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inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal