查询词典 mine
- 与 mine 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
For all the day they view things unrespected:因为在白天只看到平凡的景象
When most I wink then do mine eyes best see, 我的眼睛要闭拢... | For all the day they view things unrespected, 因为在白天只看到平凡的景象; | But when I sleep, in dreams they look on thee, 但是我睡了,在梦...
Hastings, Goldman! Up front:黑斯亭斯、高德曼,到前面去
Try a left hook. Shoot and scoot. Two of yours, two of mine.|到左边去,边走边开... | Hastings, Goldman! Up front!|黑斯亭斯、高德曼,到前面去 | Reiben, Caparzo. They're still jamming us.|- 莱宾、卡帕佐 - 通讯...
upper circle:楼厅后座
楼上楼下/high and low | 楼厅后座/upper circle | 露天矿/strip mine
And this my hand, against my self uprear:用我的这只手 把自己摧毁得不复存在
Within the knowledge of mine own desert, 思想是徒劳 终将... | And this my hand, against my self uprear, 用我的这只手 把自己摧毁得不复存在 | To guard the lawful reasons on thy part: 终结吧 成全 你的过去...
uranium ore:铀矿
uranium mine 铀矿 | uranium ore 铀矿 | uranocircite 钡铀云母
vamoose:走开! 听到没! 快走! 嘿! 那是我的
- Kevin? -Yeah That's h s name I just gave him.|- 凯文? - 我刚给它取的名字 | Beat it! Vamoose! Scram! Hey! Thats mine!|走开! 听到没! 快走! 嘿! 那是我的! | Shoo! Shoo Get out of here!|走! 走! 快滚开!
Vanquish the weak:征服弱者
This one is mine!这个家伙归我了! | Vanquish the weak!征服弱者! | My song echos from deeps.我的歌声回荡在深渊.
Vashti and Esther:瓦实提和以斯帖
Valley of the son of Hinnom 欣嫩子谷 415 | Vashti and Esther 瓦实提和以斯帖366 | Vengeance is mine, I will repay 伸冤在我, 我必报应 297
versed in:精通
stay on top of ... 知道, 掌握(信息) | versed in 精通... | Your guess is as good as mine. 我也不知道.
Vexing Arcanix:艾卡尼思乱心具
311 Planar Portal 时空界境信道 5 | 319 Vexing Arcanix 艾卡尼思乱心具 5 | 328 Urza's Mine 克撒的矿脉 5
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Mine All Mine
- Mine All Mine
- Mine All Mine
- Mine, All Mine
- Mine, Mine, Mine
- Mine All Mine
- Mine All Mine
- Mine All Mine
- Mine All Mine
- What's Mine Is Mine
- 推荐网络解释
Greco-Latin square:希腊拉丁方格
Granduation of curve 曲线递合 | Greco-Latin square 希腊拉丁方格 | Grand lot 大批
斜拉器:kicking strap | 帆前角下拉索:cunningham | 调整索:outhaul
软性玩具 soft toy | 塞得过满 overstuffed | 教边 fray