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mercury chloride相关的网络解释

查询词典 mercury chloride

与 mercury chloride 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mercurous chloride:氯化亚汞

Mercaptopurine; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 巯嘌呤;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3 | Mercurous chloride 氯化亚汞 | Mercury 汞;水银

mercurous chloride:氯化亚汞;甘汞

mercurous 亚汞的;一价汞的 | mercurous chloride 氯化亚汞;甘汞 | mercury 汞;水银


急性中水银毒通常因为意外或自杀吞入可溶性 (soluble) 汞盐如氯化汞 (mercury chloride) 所致. 水银会在消化道内引起严重发炎,通常在几小时内即发生腹痛性痉挛,并伴以恶心、呕吐和大便出血. 水银被人体内脏吸收后在肾脏浓缩,

Troches of mercury oxycyanide:氧氰化汞锭

二氯化汞锭(升汞锭) Troches of mercuric chloride | 氧氰化汞锭 Troches of mercury oxycyanide | 氯酸钾锭 Troches of potassium chlorate

ammoniated mercury:氯化汞铵

Ammoniated mercuric chloride氯化氨基汞 | Ammoniated Mercury 氯化汞铵 | Ammonium hydroxide;ammonia water 氢氧化铵

ammonium bromide:溴化铵[镇静药]

Ammoniated Mercury 氯化氨汞[消毒防腐药] | Ammonium Bromide 溴化铵[镇静药] | Ammonium Chloride 氯化铵[祛痰药]

Troches of mercuric chloride:二氯化汞锭(升汞锭)

复方碳酸铋锭 Troches of compound bismuth | 二氯化汞锭(升汞锭) Troches of mercuric chloride | 氧氰化汞锭 Troches of mercury oxycyanide

mercurous chloride prism polarizer:氧化亚棱镜起偏器

mercurial gage 水银压计 | mercurous chloride prism polarizer 氧化亚棱镜起偏器 | mercury arc 汞弧

Ammoniated mercuric chloride:氨基汞化氯

ammoniated latex ==> 充氨胶乳 | ammoniated mercuric chloride ==> 氨基汞化氯 | ammoniated mercury ==> 氨基汞化氯,白降汞,氯化氨基汞

bichloride of mercury:俗名: 汞氯化物

sodium hydrogen carbonate or sodium bicarbonate 化学名:碳酸氢钠 | bichloride of mercury 俗名: 汞氯化物 | mercuric chloride 化学名:氯化汞

第2/2页 首页 < 1 2

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制