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与 meeting 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sunday togs :与Sunday有关的

1、 与Sunday有关的: Sunday best , Sunday clothes , Sunday togs , Sunday-go-to-meeting | clothes--高档、漂亮的衣裳;盛装. | Sunday run--长距离.

Trade Book or Trade Magazine:专业性报纸或刊物

Trade Advertising 流通管道广告 | Trade Book or Trade Magazine 专业性报纸或刊物 | Trade Meeting 经销商大会

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader for Orchestra:[晨踏号的航程(管弦乐队)

Piano Concerto in G Minor [G小调钢琴协奏曲] | The Voyage of the Dawn Treader for Orchestra [晨踏号的航程(管弦乐队)] | An Unexpected Meeting for Piano Solo [意外的遇会(钢琴独奏)]

trickery in politics:权术

券商securities trader | 权术trickery in politics | 全体会议plenary meeting

catwalk tugger:走道卷扬机

core frame 岩心架 | catwalk tugger 走道卷扬机 | Pre-job Safety Meeting 作业前安全会议

turn on TV:操纵 开电视

操纵 开灯 turn on a light | 操纵 开电视 turn on TV | 举行 开会 hold a meeting

Radio and TV University:广播电视大学

23、重庆国际会展中心 Chongqing International Convention and Meeting Centre | 24、广播电视大学 Radio and TV University | 25、四川美术学院 Sichuan Art college

unanimous vote:一致通过

send in 提出 | staff meeting 干部会议 | unanimous vote 一致通过

unanimous approval:一致通过

要求裁决 ask for a ruling | 一致通过 unanimous approval | 在会上发言 address the meeting

unequal:不平等的, 不同的, 不平衡的, 不胜任的

training meeting 训练会议 | unequal 不平等的, 不同的, 不平衡的, 不胜任的 | gallein [化] 因 (用作染料或指示剂)

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(Meeting With My) Main Man
Night Meeting
Meeting Of The Minds
Meeting Across The River
The Bitter Suite I & II: Meeting Ms. Leading/Through The Dime
Strange Meeting II
Chance Meeting At The Trantula
Meeting Place
Love Meeting Love
Meeting In The Town

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory