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与 meeting 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Adjourning or Closing a Meeting:(宣布休会或会议结束)

§86.Thanking the Speaker(感谢发言人) | §87.Adjourning or Closing a Meeting(宣布休会或会议结束) | §88.Beginning a Speech(开始发言)

meeting adjourns:休会;会议结束

workshop session 专题讨论;分组讨论 | meeting adjourns 休会;会议结束 | opening address 开幕词

what obstacles the organization anticipates in meeting its goals:公司在达到其目标过程中预计会遇到什么障碍

the competitive environment in which the organization oper... | executive management styles 管... | what obstacles the organization anticipates in meeting its goals 公司在达到其目标过程中预计会遇到什么障碍

Stanford badgered me into at least meeting his grandmother:史丹佛缠着我一定要 见他的奶奶

After 12 phone calls and three emails,|在... | Stanford badgered me into at least meeting his grandmother.|史丹佛缠着我一定要 见他的奶奶 | - I love that suit you're wearing. - Designed by Coco Chanel h...

Marketing Catered Events and Meeting Rooms:宴會與會議廳出租行銷

13 Marketing Restaurants and Lounges 餐館與酒吧行銷 | 14 Marketing Catered Events and Meeting Rooms 宴會與會議廳出租行銷 | Index 索引

chaired the meeting:主持会议

casting vote决定票;主席决定性一票 | chaired the meeting主持会议 | Chairman's Brief主席备忘录

Who chaired the meeting:谁主持会议

11)Have you booked your ticket?你的票订好了吗? | 12)Who chaired the meeting?谁主持会议? | 13)He pinned great hopes on us.他对我们寄予了很大希望.

Chairing a meeting:主持会议

maximum 最大 | 2.Chairing a meeting 主持会议 | ?Distinguished guests, delegates, ladies and gentlemen, 尊敬的嘉宾、代表们、女士们、先生们:

We have chanced meeting enemy:我们冒险遇到敌人

Chance doing sth.冒险做某事. | We have chanced meeting enemy.我们冒险遇到敌人. | 50.cement:水泥 vt. 巩固

My boss got really mad when his secretary chimed in during the meeting:我老板的秘书在开会的时候插嘴,把他弄得很火大

8. He always breaks in on our... | 9. My boss got really mad when his secretary chimed in during the meeting.我老板的秘书在开会的时候插嘴,把他弄得很火大. | 10. It's very impolite to interpose in such ...

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(Meeting With My) Main Man
Night Meeting
Meeting Of The Minds
Meeting Across The River
The Bitter Suite I & II: Meeting Ms. Leading/Through The Dime
Strange Meeting II
Chance Meeting At The Trantula
Meeting Place
Love Meeting Love
Meeting In The Town

Proxy Proxy:代理

Protocol: Protocol: 通訊協定: | Proxy Proxy 代理 | Re-request Authorization Re-request Authorization 重新請求批准

insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话

go before the cameras:开拍 | insurmountable odds:这里指不可战胜的神话 | flick:[俚]电影

24-hour customer helpline:24小时客户服务热线

26. Affinity and cobranded credit cards 亲和卡,联名信用卡 | 27. 24-hour customer helpline 24小时客户服务热线 | 28. Priority banking 优先银行服务