英语人>网络解释>meeting 相关的网络解释

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与 meeting 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

People began to leave the meeting by ones and twos:大家三三两两地离开会场

Some people are standing about in small groups under the tree. 人们站在树下,三五成群... | People began to leave the meeting by ones and twos. 大家三三两两地离开会场. | Wolves hunt in packs.狼成群捕食....

People began to leave the meeting by ones and twos:人们开始三三两两地离开会场

They destroyed the enemy forces one by one. 他们各个击破敌人... | People began to leave the meeting by ones and twos. 人们开始三三两两地离开会场. | Flowers came out in twos and threes. 花零零星星地开了...

People begin to leave the meeting by ones and twos:大部分人三三两两地离开会场

Some human are not standing about in tiny assembles under the tree.大部分人站在树下,... | People begin to leave the meeting by ones and twos.大部分人三三两两地离开会场. | Wolves hunt in packs.狼成群捕...

(Let's call a halt to the meeting and continue after lunch:会议先开到这里,吃过午饭后再接着开

35.在他面前嘴巴老实点/说话当心点:他可是个爱打小报... | 36.会议先开到这里,吃过午饭后再接着开. (Let's call a halt to the meeting and continue after lunch.) | 37.快乐的笑声勾起了他对童年美好的回忆. (The ...

camp meeting:信徒的野营集会

camp follower 随军流动的平民 | camp meeting 信徒的野营集会 | camp out 野营

camp meeting:(露天聚会)

Cameronians (卡美隆派) | Camp Meeting (露天聚会) | Campbellites (坎伯尔派)

camp meeting:信徒的野营

camp follower 随军流动的平民 | camp meeting 信徒的野营 | camp out 野营

This is my tenth penticostal camp meeting, a decade:美国国会议员 这是我第十次竞选了 十年了

It is good to be here.|很... | This is my tenth penticostal camp meeting, a decade.|美国国会议员 这是我第十次竞选了 十年了 | The bottom line is we're a christian nation now,|Jim Smith 州最高法院首席法官...

catechism meeting:问答式的谈话

booklet ticket 册页式客票 | catechism meeting 问答式的谈话 | pauperdom 有被救济的资格, 贫困

I need to chase him about organizing the meeting:我得催他组织安排这次会议

to persuade somebody to do something that they should have done ... | I need to chase him about organizing the meeting. 我得催他组织安排这次会议. | to rush or hurry somewhere 急奔;急赶;匆忙地走 V VN +...

第10/100页 首页 < ... 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ... > 尾页
(Meeting With My) Main Man
Night Meeting
Meeting Of The Minds
Meeting Across The River
The Bitter Suite I & II: Meeting Ms. Leading/Through The Dime
Strange Meeting II
Chance Meeting At The Trantula
Meeting Place
Love Meeting Love
Meeting In The Town

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory