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与 mechanics 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Experimental Analysis:实验分析

实变函数 Functions of Real Variable | 实验分析 Experimental Analysis | 实验力学 Experimental Mechanics

Engineering Failure Analysis:工程事故分析(荷)

Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements边界元法工程分析(荷) | Engineering Failure Analysis工程事故分析(荷) | Engineering Fracture Mechanics工程断裂力学(英)

Yeah, butwhat field? Like, music:是啊,可是哪一个领域?比如说,音乐

Quantum mechanics.|量子力... | Yeah, butwhat field? Like, music?|是啊,可是哪一个领域?比如说,音乐? | When you see kids tossing a ball, does it ever make you miss spring training?|当你看到孩子们在抛球, 会...

Quantum Field Theory:子场

702. 子 quantum | 705. 子场 quantum field theory | 706. 子学 quantum mechanics

Ladder, fish:鱼梯

"土工实验室","Laboratory, soil mechanics" | "鱼梯","Ladder, fish" | "滞延","Lag"

flight data recorder:飞行数据记录装置

flight data recorder飞行数据记录装置 | flight dynamics飞行动力学 | flight mechanics飞行力学

engineering flow sheet:工艺流程图

engineering feasibility study 工程技术可行性研究 | engineering flow sheet 工艺流程图 | engineering fluid mechanics 工程流体力学


工业流体力学 industrical fluid mechanics | 流控技术 fluidics | 轴向流 axial flow

Fluidization Engineering:流态化工程

流场数值计算及性能预测Numerical Calculation of Flow Field | 流态化工程Fluidization Engineering | 流体力学Fluid Mechanics

FM:abbr. A fracture mechanics; 断裂力学


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Mechanics Of The Heart
Quantum Mechanics (And Hydrodynamics)
Melancholy Mechanics

CYL or cyl. cylinder:气缸

CW curb weight整备质量 | CYL or cyl. cylinder气缸 | drive(自动变速器)前进档位,档位

Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye:忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见

You have my place to stay,you have my mother to stay 我的胸怀可让你倚靠,我... | Sorrow and balefulness are gonna say goodbye 忧伤和灾难终会跟你说再见 | Opens up you'll see the happy sunshine张开眼睛你...

Why would I hallucinate that:为什么我会幻想到这个

She had blonde hair.|她是一头金发 | Why would I hallucinate that?|为什么我会幻想到这个? | Yes.|是啊