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与 make one 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

divvy:分配 <单词词性>分摊, 分配, 部分

make fish of one and fowl of another 厚此薄彼 | divvy 分配 分摊, 分配, 部分 | optical target coordinator 光目标坐标方位仪

to do housework:做家务

智力投资 to make investments on one's intellectual development | 做家务 to do housework | 轻视 despise

Diagonal ribs allow fat to drain away preventing pooling on the cooking surface:对角线肋骨,让脂肪排出,防止汇集于煮食表面

Use one side as a griddle and t... | Diagonal ribs allow fat to drain away preventing pooling on the cooking surface对角线肋骨,让脂肪排出,防止汇集于煮食表面 | Square shape, single-burner design make it...

a dress parade:阅兵典礼

The Olympic Games begin with a parade of all the competing nations. 奥运会以参赛各国运动员的列队行进开始. | a dress parade 阅兵典礼 | make a parade of one's virtues 炫耀自己的优点

drop in on:拜访某人

do sb. a favour 帮某人一个忙 | drop in on 拜访某人 | make ... to one's own measure 依照某人的尺寸做......

enough to:足够.......能

15. in one's own car 乘某人自己的汽车 | 16. enough to... 足够.......能...... | 17. make phone calls to... 打电话给......

Imitate! Enthusiastically and passionately.Again and again and again:模仿它!狂热地,热切地! 一遍,又一遍,又一遍

[19:43.15]Please make the best use... | [19:52.43]Imitate! Enthusiastically and passionately.Again and again and again.;模仿它!狂热地,热切地! 一遍,又一遍,又一遍. | [20:02.45]Ten times,one hundred times...

eradicate superstition:破除迷信

攀登事业的高峰 climb one's career ladder | 破除迷信 eradicate superstition | 普及九年制义务教育 make nine-year compulsory education universal

throw money around spend extravagantly:大手大脚

眼高手低have high standard but little ability | 大手大脚throw money around spend extravagantly | 露一手make an exhibition of one's skill

All your insides fall to pieces:(你的內在碎成千萬片)

you'll be the one who cannot talk (你將變得無能與人交談... | All your insides fall to pieces, (你的內在碎成千萬片) | you just sit there wishing you could still make love (只是坐在冷板凳上 期望自己還能做...

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Make You The Only One
(You're The Only One) Can Make Me Cry
You Are The One To Make Me Cry
One Chain (Don't Make No Prison)
One Chain Don't Make No Prison
It Only Takes One Bar (To Make A Prison)
One And One Make Five
Make This One Last
One Chance (Make It Good)

inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal