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make one相关的网络解释

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与 make one 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断

make a mountain of a molehill;make a might fuss about nothing:小题大做 | take a drastic measure;cut the Gordian knot:一刀两断 | just as one would throw away an old hat 弃如敝屣

accentuation training:强化训练

前瞻性 perspectiveness | 强化训练 accentuation training | 巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.

Just like a beast of burden:就像一个沉重的猛兽

Dragging your feet again 被铁链拖拽着 | Just like a beast of burden 就像一个沉重的猛兽 | When one and one and one make two 当一加一加一等于二的时候

countrymen residing abroad:侨胞

强制隔离forced quarantine | 侨胞countrymen residing abroad | 巧妇难为无米之炊If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.

devote oneself to sth:献身于;专心于

make up one's mind 下定决心 | devote oneself to sth. 献身于;专心于 | make full use of 充分利用

double-dealing, to be two-faced:两面三刀

费尽九牛二虎之力--to make Herculean efforts, to do one's damnedest, to make painstaking efforts. | 两面三刀--double-dealing, to be two-faced | 两全其美--to be satisfactory to both sides.

draw up a tentative plan:起草一个临时方案 (tentative 表示暂时的)

I have to make sure that your stay in Wuxi is a pleasant one. 我将确保您在无锡玩得愉快. (公司接待... | draw up a tentative plan 起草一个临时方案 (tentative 表示暂时的) | make minor alterations to 对...稍...

gain recognition:二十九

二十八、make up one's mind | What made you make up your mind to quit smoking?是什么令你下决心戒烟? | 二十九、gain recognition

leave a message to:留言给

make a mess 制造脏乱 | leave a message to 留言给... | make up one's mind 下定决心,打定主意

try sth. on:试穿(衣、鞋、帽)

Let's make it half past one. 注意:时间前不用介词at | 6. try sth. on 试穿(衣、鞋、帽) | try one's best to do sth. 尽力干某事=do one's best to do sth.

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Make You The Only One
(You're The Only One) Can Make Me Cry
You Are The One To Make Me Cry
One Chain (Don't Make No Prison)
One Chain Don't Make No Prison
It Only Takes One Bar (To Make A Prison)
One And One Make Five
Make This One Last
One Chance (Make It Good)

inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal