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make one相关的网络解释

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与 make one 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


water opening [海]冰间水面 | trispast 三饼滑车 | make one nervous 使某人不安, 令人心烦

to put to bed:让孩子睡觉

make one's bed整理床铺 | to put to bed让孩子睡觉 | the wrong side of the bed心情不好

come into fashion:开始风行

make one's farewell道别,告辞 | come into fashion开始风行 | follow the fashion赶时髦

Heaven forbid that nothing awful should have happened to her:但愿她不会出了大事

2. You're moron! 你这个笨蛋! | Heaven forbid that nothing awful should have happened to her. 但愿她不会出了大事. | 2. make one's acquaintance 认识某人

miss the mark:没打中 没达到目的; 不成功 错误

make one's mark 出名; 做出成绩; 画押 | miss the mark 没打中;没达到目的; 不成功;错误 | mother's mark 胎志, 黑痣

salt away sth:攒钱

make one's head spin 晕头转向 | salt away sth 攒钱 | the grass is greener on the other side of the fence 这山望着那山高

swear the peace against sb:控告某人图谋行凶

make one's peace with sb. 与...和解, 重新和好 | swear the peace against sb. 控告某人图谋行凶 | Roman peace 罗马式的和平(战胜国与战败国讲和, 取得和平)


I've made a lot of cash for this company. I am talking big bucks!|我替这家... | Pesos! Yen! Rubles! You make one little mistake...|比索、日圆、卢布我才犯了一个小错... | You lost 13 million dollars.|你损失...

Pesos:披索、日圆、卢布 我才犯了一个小错

625. I've made a lot of cash for this company. I am talking big buck... | 626. Pesos! Yen! Rubles! You make one little mistake.. 披索、日圆、卢布 我才犯了一个小错... | 627. You lost 13 million dollars. 你...

Our organization will not be placated with flowery New Age rhetoric:我们决不会坐视这种奢靡的新时代的喧嚣而不理

Listen, I need to make one thing very clear.|听着,我需要特... | Our organization will not be placated with flowery New Age rhetoric...|我们决不会坐视这种奢靡的新时代的喧嚣而不理 | Mr. President!|总统先...

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Make You The Only One
(You're The Only One) Can Make Me Cry
You Are The One To Make Me Cry
One Chain (Don't Make No Prison)
One Chain Don't Make No Prison
It Only Takes One Bar (To Make A Prison)
One And One Make Five
Make This One Last
One Chance (Make It Good)

inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal