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make one's bed:整理床铺;铺床

54. ignore one's rights 忽视某人的权利 | 55. make one's bed 整理床铺;铺床 | 56. do one's own laundry 洗衣服

Make one's bed and lie in it:作茧自缚

M Make hay while the sun shines. 末雨绸缪. 把握时机. 良机勿失. | Make one's bed and lie in it. 作茧自缚. | Make your enemy your friend. 化敌为友.

make one's blood boil:使人异常愤怒

make it snappy 快点干;干脆点 | make no bones 毫不畏惧地说 | make one's blood boil 使人异常愤怒

realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true:实现梦想

92.适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society | 93.实现梦想 realize one's dream/ make one's dream come true | 94. 主要理由列举如下 The main reasons are listed as follows:

To make one's flesh creep:使人汗毛真竖/让人直起鸡皮疙瘩

To make a cat laugh 把死人逗笑了 | To make one's flesh creep 使人汗毛真竖/让人直起鸡皮疙瘩 | To make a face 作个鬼脸

make one's/its mark:出人头地;功成名就

飞黄腾达 make it big; fly high | 出人头地;功成名就 make one's/its mark | 敷衍了事 make short shrift of 、palter、 scuffle

make one's own way:发家致富

make more competitive 竞争能力,竞争能力 | make one''s own way 发家致富 | make out a bill 开发票

make one's peace with:与......和解

make a name for oneself 成名 | make one's peace with 与......和解 | make a fuss of 小题大作;大惊小怪

make one's way to:往...走去

make money 赚钱 | make one's way to 往...走去 | make phone calls 打电话

make one's way:前进;成功,发迹

make off with 携...而逃 . | make one's way 前进;成功,发迹 . | make out 开列;书写;辩认出 .

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Make You The Only One
(You're The Only One) Can Make Me Cry
You Are The One To Make Me Cry
One Chain (Don't Make No Prison)
One Chain Don't Make No Prison
It Only Takes One Bar (To Make A Prison)
One And One Make Five
Make This One Last
One Chance (Make It Good)

inexact reasoning:不精确推理

"不确切资料","inexact data" | "不精确推理","inexact reasoning" | "早期失效","infant mortality"

Greater Coucal:毛鸡

great tit 白脸山雀 | greater coucal 毛鸡 | greater hill mynah 海南八哥

Paralyze Field:<麻庳力场>

Mass Curse | Paralyze Field | Reveal