英语人>网络解释>make effort 相关的网络解释
make effort相关的网络解释

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与 make effort 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

make an attempt to do sth.: make an effort to do sth:尝试,企图

If you turn towards the right and look in the mirror, you will be able to see the mark. 假... | 9. make an attempt to do sth.: make an effort to do sth. 尝试,企图 | They made no attempt to escape. 他们...

go to great lengths to do: make a great deal of effort to do:竭尽全力去做

1. go to great lengths to do: make a great deal of effort to do 竭尽全力去做 | She's so afraid of him that she'll go to great length... | We go to great lengths to hire only the most reliable and trust...

We have to make our every effort to industrialize our country:我们应尽最大的努力使我们的国家工业化

5.industrialize: make industrial; develop large indu... | We have to make our every effort to industrialize our country.我们应尽最大的努力使我们的国家工业化. | 6.justify: give a good reason for; show ...

make a good effort:做出很大的努力

make a fire 生火,弄火 | make a good effort 做出很大的努力 | make a joke 开玩笑

make a good effort:作很大的努力

make a decision 作出决定 | make a good effort 作很大的努力 | make a plan for 为...作计划

make a good effort:作出很大的努力

make a fun of sb. 对某人开玩笑 | make a good effort 作出很大的努力 | make a hit 受......欢迎

make a good/great effort:作出努力

without effort毫不费力地 | make a good/great effort作出努力... | 5. out of date过时的

make every effort:尽一切努力

without effort毫不费力 | make every effort尽一切努力 | spare no effort不遗余力

make every effort to do sth:千方百计做某事

pull on the line 上钩 | make every effort to do sth 千方百计做某事 | make every effort not to do sth 千方百计不做某事

make every effort not to do sth:千方百计不做某事

make every effort to do sth 千方百计做某事 | make every effort not to do sth 千方百计不做某事 | in any way 任何方式

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muck soil 腐殖土 | mucocellulose 粘纤维素 | mucoid 类粘蛋白

FIFA 08:国际足联世界足球 08[欧]

0127 - Dance Dance Revolution: Hottest Party - 热舞革命 劲爆舞会[日] | 0126 - FIFA 08 - 国际足联世界足球 08[欧] | 0125 - Ninjabread Man - 面包忍者[美]

clathrate complex:包合络合物

classifier 分级机 | clathrate complex 包合络合物 | clay 粘土