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与 lord 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Shaftesbury, Lord:沙佛兹伯 勋爵

Shafie, Ghazalie 沙菲宜 | Shaftesbury, Lord 沙佛兹伯 勋爵 | Shakespeare, William 莎士比亚

Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD:阴间和灭亡尚在耶和华眼前

恨恶责备的,必致死亡. but one who hates a rebuke will die. | 11 阴间和灭亡尚在耶和华眼前, Sheol and Abaddon lie open before the LORD, | 何况世人的心呢? how much more human hearts!

Sith Lord:西斯尊主

chrysalide rancor,蛹兰克 | Sith Lord,西斯尊主 | Behemoth from the World Below,地下巨兽

Fobbed off by your people, because she's not Lord Snooty in a posh car:被你的人搪塞过去了 因为她不是开着时髦汽车的高级官员

She tried to call the office, but she was fobbed... | Fobbed off by your people, because she's not Lord Snooty in a posh car|被你的人搪塞过去了 因为她不是开着时髦汽车的高级官员 | or Madonna on a horse....

Colin linguist ....Lord speechmaker Wotton:科林.费尔斯

◎主 演 本.巴恩斯 Ben Barnes ....Dorian Gray | 科林.费尔斯 Colin linguist ....Lord speechmaker Wotton | 本.卓别林 Ben comic ....Basil Hallward

The human spirit is the lamp of the LORD:人的灵是耶和华的灯

用碌毒滚扎他们. and drives the wheel over them. | 27 人的灵是耶和华的灯,The human spirit is the lamp of the LORD, | 鉴察人的心腹. searching every inmost part.

Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, lord:切斯特菲尔德

"内克","Necker, Jacques" | "切斯特菲尔德","Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, lord" | "孔蒂","Conti, Antonio"

Of whom may we seek succor, but of thee, O Lord:这时我们可以需求救助 但当我的主,你远离我们时呢

In the midst of life, we are in death|我们的生命中充... | Of whom may we seek succor, but of thee, O Lord?|这时我们可以需求救助 但当我的主,你远离我们时呢? | Welcome. We'll be starting shortly|欢迎,我们...

COLOMAN: Superbly, my lord:是啊,大人

Are we not protected by an army of immortals?|不是有支不死大军护卫我们们吗? | COLOMAN: Superbly, my lord.|是啊,大人 | However, the nobles are not, and as I have pointed out,|然而贵族们并不觉得...

Suzerain. Suzerain means feudal lord, you know:苏泽令,意思是封建地主

Your boyfriend do all the work?|你的男友做一切? | Suzerain. Suzerain means feudal lord, you know--|苏泽令,意思是封建地主 ... | one to whom allegiance is due.|忠诚是其信条

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The Lord's Prayer
Lord Knows
Lord Knows (Freestyle)
The Battle Is The Lord's
Lord, I Want To Be A Christian
Lord Of The Thighs
Lord Giveth, Lord Taketh Away
The Lord Loves The One (That Loves The Lord)
Lord Lord Lord
Smallwood Medley: Glorify The Lord / You Sure Been Good To Me / All I Have Is Yours / I Love The Lord / How Excellent Is Thy Name (Psalm 8)...

execute phase:执行阶段

execute part of cycle 周期的执行部分 | execute phase 执行阶段 | execute statement 执行语句

Preed to die:准备死啦

Ready to kill! 准备好杀戮 | Preed to die! 准备死啦 | Let me serve! 让我牺牲

point elasticity of supply:供給點彈性

point elasticity of demand需求點彈性 | point elasticity of supply供給點彈性 | population control人口控制