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here capitalism trumped democracy:但在这里 资本主义占胜了民主制度

Moore: Although Wilkes-Barre is located in the United States of Amer... | here capitalism trumped democracy.|但在这里 资本主义占胜了民主制度 | Robert Powell, one of the owners of PA Child Care,|宾州儿童...

a four-day festival:四天的节日

5、站在...的旁边 stand next to | 7、四天的节日 a four-day festival | 8、坐落在 be located in

aft section and over each wing:艉分段以及两翼

located in the forward section,|位置在机头 | aft section and over each wing.|艉分段以及两翼 | In the event of decompression...|遇到压力下降的时候

Aesthetic Appreciations:审美原则

适中居中原则 Suitably Located in the Middle and Residing in the Middle | 审美原则 Aesthetic Appreciations | 绿化原则 Greening the Environment

Aesthetic Appreciations:(十三)審美原則

(十二)適中居中原則-Suitably Located in the Middle and Residing in the Middle. | (十三)審美原則-Aesthetic Appreciations. | (十四)綠化原則-Greening the Environment.

Aesthetic Appreciations:领会艺术品的美原则

适中居中原则 Suitably Located in the Middle and Residing in the Middle | 领会艺术品的美原则 Aesthetic Appreciations | 绿化原则 Greening the Environment

Aesthetic Appreciations:审美准绳

适中居中准绳 Suitably Located in the Middle and Residing in the Middle | 审美准绳 Aesthetic Appreciations | 绿化准绳 Greening the Environment

offset connecting rod:偏心曲柄连杆机构

中心曲柄连杆机构 central-located connecting rod | 偏心曲柄连杆机构 offset connecting rod | 铰接曲柄边杆机构 hinged connecting rod

offset connecting rod:铰接曲柄边杆机构

central-located connecting rod 偏心曲柄连杆机构 -$*R3&W2O. | offset connecting rod 铰接曲柄边杆机构 BLK_]p | hinged connecting rod 连杆 *~g!KH ]

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weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory