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Tell you what. Throw a little hot-rod red in there:听你的,那儿再来点辆跑车的红色

What was I thinking? You're usually so discreet.|是啊,之前... | Tell you what. Throw a little hot-rod red in there.|听你的,那儿再来点辆跑车的红色 | Yes, that should help you keep a low profile.|是啊,保...

Parker doing a little housecleaning:帕克在一垒做清理工作

Gilliam even with the bag at third.|吉列姆甚至已经到了三垒 | Parker doing a little housecleaning|帕克在一垒做清理工作 | And Drysdale looks in to Haller.|德莱斯戴尔紧盯着海勒尔

A little housewarming:一个小小的乔迁礼物

That's awesome.|真可怕! | A little housewarming.|一个小小的乔迁礼物 | To new beginnings.|祝新的开始

Far from it. We've got a hunt coming up. Poor little mite needs a head start:才不会呢,我们的狩猎就要开始了 可怜的小家伙应该早点跑

Oh, John, don't hurt it.|约翰,别伤害它 | Far from it. We've got a hunt coming up. Poor little mite needs a head start.|才不会呢,我们的狩猎就要开始了 可怜的小家伙应该早点跑 | Go on... run!|走吧,快跑!

Hush up, little girls:不要大惊小怪,小姑娘

So did my mama.|我妈妈也这么说 | Hush up, little girls.|不要大惊小怪,小姑娘 | A lot of cats have that name.|很多人都叫这个名字

so hush up little baby:亲爱的孩子请不要再哭泣

to bring the world joy来给这个世界带来欢乐 | so hush up little baby亲爱的孩子请不要再哭泣 | you know not what you'll do你应该明白你的使命

We're ten seconds ahead of schedule because Blaster is a little hyped-up:我们提前了十秒钟 因为Blaster有点兴奋

Juarez here. Approaching first objective.... | We're ten seconds ahead of schedule because Blaster is a little hyped-up.|我们提前了十秒钟 因为Blaster有点兴奋 | Of course I am. This is what I live for.|...

Wolf: I'm hungry. Look! Three little pigs:狼:我饿了. 看,三只小猪可

Pigs: Yes, Mum. Goodbye. 三只小猪:好的,妈妈. 再见. | Wolf: I'm hungry. Look! Three little pigs 狼:我饿了. 看,三只小猪可 | for dinner. Mmm. 以做我的美餐.

Wolf: I'm hungry. Look! Three little pigs:狼:我饿了看

Wolf: I'm hungry. Look! Three little pigs 狼:我饿了看 | for dinner. Mmm. 以做我的美餐 | Sister pig: What are you doing, brothers? 猪妹妹:哥哥,你们在干什么?

little ice age:小冰期

"小冰期"(Little Ice Age)作为因太阳、火山等的活动而导致的地球气候寒冷期的概念已为众多历史学家所熟悉. 学者们通过对历史上太阳观测记录、中英格兰气温、捷克地温、阿尔卑斯山冰川、大气C[14]含量、树轮、冰芯等的研究指出,

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Little by Little
Little Bit Of This, Little Bit Of That... (Interlude)
Little By Little
O Little Town Of Bethlehem / Little Drummer Boy
Little Bit Of This, Little Bit Of That
I Was A Little Too Lonely (And You Were A Little Too Late)
A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You
Little By Little
Little By Little
A Little Less Sixteen Candles, A Little More "Touch Me"

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...