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与 listen 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

biking:放弃了滑雪 骑车 冲浪 皮艇等爱好

How many of you don't take elevators|谁不... | or gave up skiing, biking, surfing, kayaking, whatever it might be?|放弃了滑雪 骑车 冲浪 皮艇等爱好? | Well, listen to me. Fear is a state of mind.|听我说 ...

He's just bitter because the Springboks were boycotted when he played:他只不过是嫉妒他打球的时候跳羚队在国际上被禁赛了

- And therefore... - He's trying to get the... | He's just bitter because the Springboks were boycotted when he played.|他只不过是嫉妒他打球的时候跳羚队在国际上被禁赛了 | Maybe. But people listen to wh...

But the earth got gas once it burps its fire:但是一旦燃烧,地球便会膨胀

You can listen to the serpent, fine 你也可以听取魔鬼的心声,算... | But the earth got gas once it burps its fire 但是一旦燃烧,地球便会膨胀 | Someone around me they talk about degrees 围绕我的人们谈论着温...

I cajoled you, I cajoled you. - Don't give me semantics:我哄你去的 不是逼你 - 别和我玩文字

Listen. You're the one that forced me into that place.|听... | - I cajoled you, I cajoled you. - Don't give me semantics.|- 我哄你去的 不是逼你 - 别和我玩文字 | Look, they're going upstairs now!|看 他们...

certifying officer:签发人是

No, no, no, listen,|this is a mistake.|不,不,听我说,这是个错误 | Certifying officer?|签发人是? | Captain J.J. Jones,|Lincoln Heights Division.|林肯高地分局,J.J.琼斯上尉

Yes, the swallows' chirping cleaves the air:呃生生燕语明如翦

啊小姐 Young mistress, listen to你听那莺燕叫得好听 The orioles and swallows sing. | 呃生生燕语明如翦 Yes, the swallows' chirping cleaves the air, | 听呖呖莺声 的圆 And orioles trill so clear.

I fell for you and I get clobbered:我爱上了你,然后我受伤了

[11:45.174]No! Listen to me! 你听我说 | [11:47.672]I fell for you and I get clobbered. 我爱上了你,然後我受伤了 | [11:50.638]You then fall for me and I again get clobbered. 然後你爱上我结果我还是受伤...

It has all the earmarks of a benign:是良性的征兆

Listen,the edges are smooth,it has mobility.|听我说,边缘很滑,能移动 | It has all the earmarks of a benign--|是良性的征兆 | Why should I believe you?|我干嘛要信你?

cos ejaculated prematurely and bust all over your belly:因为我一来就勃起在你那里忙个不停

Listen, girly. Surely you dont want me to talk... | 'cos ejaculated prematurely and bust all over your belly, 因为我一来就勃起在你那里忙个不停, | and you almost started hurling and said I was gross, go...

Emits an electromagnetic signal:发射电磁信号

Now, listen up, class. GPR, ground-penetrating radar.|认真听讲,同学们 GPR,探... | Emits an electromagnetic signal.|发射电磁信号 | Allows you to locate anomalies or hollow spaces.|用来定位地下不规则物体...

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Listen To Your Senses
Listen To Your Heart
Who To Listen To
I'll Listen
Stop Look And Listen
Just Listen
Listen, Children

territorial waters:鍰漆

﹛﹛Term 芩華逤? | ﹛﹛Territorial Waters 鍰漆 | ﹛﹛The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance 悵玸珛潼燴揭


Mesostigmata 中气门亚目 中气亚目 | Mesostoma 中口涡虫属 | Mesosuchia 中鳄亚目

Hit Team:重装警察

新扎师妹 Love Undercover (2002) | 重装警察 Hit Team (2001) | 游园惊梦 Peony Pavilion (2001)