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与 listen 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Maybe longer:可能不止今晚

if you don't mind,i-i need to sleep in my own bed tonight...|要是不介意的话 今晚我要睡这儿了 | maybe longer.|可能不止今晚 | yeah,hey,listen. um,|听我说

He is saying the lord's prayer:他在祷告

What is he saying?|他在说什么? | He is saying the lord's prayer|他在祷告 | Mr Martinez, listen to me you have to move your hands|马丁尼先生,听我说 你必须要把你的手拿开

talk loudly:大声谈话

13. in class 在课堂上 | 14. talk loudly 大声谈话 | 15. listen to music 听音乐


37. Listen! 听着! | 38. Lousy! 差劲! | 39. Marvelous ! 棒极了!

Lynette:嘿 利那特 是 安妮 听着 我需要你的帮忙

Okay, wait. No.|好的 等下 不 | Hey, Lynette, it's Annie. Listen, I need your help.|嘿 利那特 是 安妮 听着 我需要你的帮忙 | Grayer has a temperature of 104|格雷尔发烧到104(华氏度)

Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer:(要与面试官维持良好的眼神交流)

6. Don't shake hand with the interviewer until he/she extends his/her ha... | 7. Maintain good eye contact with the interviewer. (要与面试官维持良好的眼神交流) | 8. Listen actively and stay calm. (注意...

Men Make a Difference:预防艾滋病男士责无旁贷

2001 You are together with me预防艾滋病你我同参与 | 2000 men make a difference预防艾滋病男士责无旁贷 | 1999 listen,tearn,Live!关注青少年,预防艾滋病--倾听、学习、尊重

Men Make a Difference:年:预防艾滋病,男士责无旁贷

2001年 预防艾滋病,你我同参与 I care, do you | 2000年 预防艾滋病,男士责无旁贷 Men make a difference | 1999年 倾听、学习、生活 Listen, learn, live

Men Make a Difference:年主题:预防艾滋病男士责无旁贷

1999年主题:关注青少年,预防艾滋病-倾听,学习,尊重 Listen ,Learn, Live! | 2000年主题:预防艾滋病男士责无旁贷 Men make a difference | 2001年主题:预防艾滋病你与我,你与我参与 You are together with me

make trouble for sb:给某人带来麻烦

If you don't listen to him,he will make trouble.如果你不听他的,他会捣乱的. | 8.make trouble for sb.给某人带来麻烦 | The boy makes trouble for his teacher.这个男孩常给老师找麻烦.

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Listen To Your Senses
Listen To Your Heart
Who To Listen To
I'll Listen
Stop Look And Listen
Just Listen
Listen, Children


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,