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与 listen 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Listen, did I do something to tick you off:听着,我做了什么事 把你惹毛了吗

We haven't seen you in forever, and I have news.|我们... | Listen, did I do something to tick you off?|听着,我做了什么事 把你惹毛了吗? | After his last trip, I finally got it. What's the point?|经过上次...

Listen,toots:听着 朋友

Maybe now there is.|也许现在是了 | Listen,toots,|听着 朋友 | you spend all day in your fancy-Nancy administration building,|你成天都在你的政府大楼里

Listen,I got a treasure trove of information here:听着,我这有非常重要的信息

Hi,Sidney.|嗨,西德尼 | Listen,I got a treasure trove of information here.|听着,我这有非常重要的信息 | I just was snooping with...|我刚才在到处打探消息...

Dominique, turtledove.|Listen, we're a bit behind schedule:唐明莉,亲爱的|我们现在进度有点落后

I'm really a saint, you know?|我真的是... | Dominique, turtledove.|Listen, we're a bit behind schedule.|唐明莉,亲爱的|我们现在进度有点落后 | What I need from you is|I need you to be a little cuddle...|...

Listen, you little twerp:听着,你个小蠢蛋

Wait a second. that's not fair.|等一下,这不公平 | Listen, you little twerp.|听着,你个小蠢蛋 | You've been slain by the mighty king. now get lost,|你已经被强大的王宰了,现在接受失败

It would be undaughterly.- Listen:就不像个女儿了 - 都听着

I won't deny her one last pleasure.|我不想回绝她最后... | - It would be undaughterly.- Listen!|- 就不像个女儿了 - 都听着! | Consul Gnaeus Pompey Magnus has left the city.|执政官格涅乌斯.庞贝.麦格纳斯已经...

Learning to listen to the words of unhelpful:倾听才能学习,说话无益

你从工作中学到的,比眼前得到的报酬更可贵. You work from secondary to the eyes than th... | 倾听才能学习,说话无益. Learning to listen to the words of unhelpful. | 好老师一定是好学生. Good teachers must b...

Unscramble:句子重組 ) Listen ( 聽聽看 )

Crossword Puzzle ( 填字謎 ) Word Search ( 找找看 ) | Unscramble ( 句子重組 ) Listen ( 聽聽看 ) | Correct the mistakes ( 改錯題 ) Circle ( 圈圈看 )

No one here is willing to listen to her verboseness:这里没人愿听她唠叨

214.Synchronic linguistics is the study of language at a cer... | 215.No one here is willing to listen to her verboseness.这里没人愿听她唠叨. | 216.He is accredited with having first introduced the wo...

Listen, Winnebago... if I may call you that:听着,温尼贝戈人...... 如果我可以这样叫你

Yes, sire, but I feel your life is in danger.|是的,殿下 但是我觉... | Listen, Winnebago... if I may call you that...|听着,温尼贝戈人...... 如果我可以这样叫你...... | when history speaks of me,|当历史说...

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Listen To Your Senses
Listen To Your Heart
Who To Listen To
I'll Listen
Stop Look And Listen
Just Listen
Listen, Children


perilymph 外淋巴 | perilymphangitis 淋巴管周炎 | perimeter 视野计


won 元 | matta 对(没错) | jeulgeoptta 愉快

Phototactic behaviour:趋光行为

有关研究为生物监测提供了一种很有应用前景的方法.但是,该方法尚处于研究初期,在理论与应用方面所积累的资料很少,国内尚无有关的研究.因此,利用溞科浮游生物的趋光行为(phototactic behaviour)监测环境中的污染物质,