英语人>网络解释>lay-out 相关的网络解释

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与 lay-out 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

lay open:打开; 割破; 擦伤; 揭露; 揭发; 阐明

lay oneself open to 使自己容易招致... | lay open 打开; 割破; 擦伤; 揭露; 揭发; 阐明 | leave oneself wide open 使自己暴露在攻击之下

The book lay open on the table:那书在桌子上打开着

She stopped and stood quite still.她停下来然后一丝不动地站着. | The book lay open on the table.那书在桌子上打开着. | The snow lay thick on the ground.雪厚厚地堆积在地上.

The letter lay open on his desk:那信摊开在他的书桌上

⑴The corpse lay face down in a pool of blood. 尸体俯卧在血泊中. | ⑵The letter lay open on his desk. 那信摊开在他的书桌上 | ⑶The hen laid two eggs. 母鸡产下两个鸡蛋

lay oneself open to:使自己容易招致

in the open 在户[野]外, 明显的; 公开的 | lay oneself open to 使自己容易招致... | lay open 打开; 割破; 擦伤; 揭露; 揭发; 阐明

lang lay rope:顺搓钢丝绳(股与绳同向搓的钢索

lanewidth 巷宽 | lang lay rope 顺搓钢丝绳(股与绳同向搓的钢索 | lang lay 顺捻

lang lay rope:兰氏捻钢丝绳,平行捻钢丝绳,同向捻钢丝绳

lang lay ==> 同向捻 | Lang lay rope ==> 兰氏捻钢丝绳,平行捻钢丝绳,同向捻钢丝绳 | lang raising screw ==> 地轮起落螺杆

left lang lay:左向顺捻

left justify 左侧调正;左对齐 | left lang lay 左向顺捻 | left lay 左扭

right-hand lang lay:右向顺捻

right-hand hob ==> 右旋滚刀 | right-hand lang lay ==> 右向顺捻 | right-hand lang-lay ==> 同向右捻

The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head:小耶稣(只是名字,不是真耶稣小时候)歪着他的小脑袋

No crib for his bed 他没有婴儿床 | The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head小耶稣(只是名字,不是真耶稣小时候)歪着他的小脑袋 | The stars in the sky looked down where He lay他上空的星星正在看着他

The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head:小耶稣歪着可爱的小脑袋

No crib for his bed没有为他准备的婴儿床 | The little Lord Jesus lay down his sweet head小耶稣歪着可爱的小脑袋 | The stars in the sky looked down where He lay天上的星星俯瞰他躺在那里

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Lay All Your Love On Me
Lay Lady Lay
Lay Lady Lay
Lay Lady Lay
Lay Baby Lay
Lay, Lady Lay
Lay Lady Lay
Lay, Lady, Lay
Lay Lay
Diamond Eyes (Boom-Lay Boom-Lay Boom)


plastic 塑胶 | plasticine 塑像用粘土 | plasticity 可塑性

Steel Skeleton Construction:钢骨构造

"钢珠","steel shot" | "钢骨构造","steel skeleton construction" | "钢枕(铁路)","steel sleeper"

Senecio cineraria:银叶菊

垂盆草 Sedum sarmentosum | 银叶菊 Senecio cineraria | 97 加拿大一枝黄花 Solidago canadensis