英语人>网络解释>laughter 相关的网络解释

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与 laughter 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Earthlings stop their sneers:世人停止嘲笑

笑声伴云飞 And the laughter flies accompanying with the clouds | 世人停止嘲笑 Earthlings stop their sneers | 再无知的女人 Even an ignorant woman

The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently:这匹马呼哧呼哧地喘着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子

She could not conceal a snort of laughter. 她忍不住扑哧一笑. | The horse snorted and stamped its hoof impatiently. 这匹马呼哧呼哧地喘着气,不耐烦地跺着蹄子. | 6.Mannequin模型

Well, and we were all snugged into our one little bed for the night:当我们准备入睡的时候

we stay at this get.|建议我们 就留在... | Well, and we were all snugged into our one little bed for the night.|当我们准备入睡的时候 | We heard loud music and laughter coming from outside.|突然听到外面有...

roll in the aisles:乐不可支,笑得东倒西歪

a saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑 | roll in the aisles 乐不可支,笑得东倒西歪 | scream with laughter 笑得前仰后合

roll in the aisles:乐不可支,笑得东

roars of laughter 大笑声 | a saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑 | roll in the aisles 乐不可支,笑得东

Don't put that cloth over the baby's face, you'll smother him:不要把那块布盖在婴儿的脸上,你会把他憋死的

34:We tried to smother our laughter.我们强忍住笑. (忍住,抑制... | 35:Don't put that cloth over the baby's face, you'll smother him!不要把那块布盖在婴儿的脸上,你会把他憋死的! | 36:smother浓烟,浓雾;窒息(名...

The last of the big spenders:铁公鸡

Knowledge is power.知识就是力量 | The last of the big spenders!铁公鸡 | Laughter is the best medicine.笑声是最好的良药

When seascapes gleam in magnificent splendor:海景闪现于华丽壮观中

Those are moments when the heart is tender 就在那心肠温柔的一... | When seascapes gleam in magnificent splendor 海景闪现于华丽壮观中 | When the laughter of Heaven reverberates the Earth 天庭的笑声反响回...

Too Many Scolders:骂的人多

230 门上贴道人The Picture of a Taoist Priest Pasted On the Front Door | 232 骂的人多Too Many Scolders | <<笑笑录>>Rollicking Laughter

not the happy and sad, for the swift-flying years:不是乐者与伤者,岁月飞逝

the good are half bad and the bad are half good. 好人一半坏... | not the happy and sad, for the swift-flying years 不是乐者与伤者,岁月飞逝 | bring each man his laughter and each man his tears. 人人都会经...

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Laughter Lines
Love Like Laughter
After My Laughter Came Tears
When All The Laughter Dies In Sorrow
Laughter In A Time Of War
Laughter In The Rain
Palahniuk's Laughter
Bohemian Laughter
I Hear The Laughter

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory