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与 laughter-provoking 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Be convulsed with laughter:笑得直不起腰

Angrily 愠色 | Be convulsed with laughter 笑得直不起腰 | Cancle 收回

We were convulsed with laughter:我们笑得前俯后仰

The fish bone in her throat made her choke.她喉咙中的鱼骨使她哽噎.... | We were convulsed with laughter.我们笑得前俯后仰. (10.25) | Don't just shrug your shoulders. Say something.不要光耸肩. 你讲讲话呀...

gusts of laughter:一阵阵笑声

a gust of rage 勃然大怒 n. | gusts of laughter 一阵阵笑声 n. | 5.rain雨

He hooted with laughter:他大笑了起来

He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist. 他突然想出了一个挫败他的对手的计划. | He hooted with laughter. 他大笑了起来. | He just stepped out. 他刚刚出去.

Peals of laughter:阵阵笑声

A drink of water. 一口水. | A game of chess. 一盘棋. | Peals of laughter. 阵阵笑声.

Sometimes in peals of laughter:有时在响亮的笑声中

Sounds clearly through the years- 多年来都如此的明显-- | Sometimes in peals of laughter, 有时在响亮的笑声中, | Sometimes through happy tears. 有时在欢乐的泪水中.

Sometime in peals of laughter:有时在响亮的笑声中

Sounds clearly through the years- 随着光阴流逝变得清晰- | Sometime in peals of laughter, 有时在响亮的笑声中 | Sometime through happy tears. 有时在欢乐的泪水里

The laughter penetrates my silence:周围的笑声穿透我的沉默

There is no peace that I've found so far 至今我所想寻找的宁静还未曾出现 | The laughter penetrates my silence 周围的笑声穿透我的沉默 | As drunken men find flaws in science 犹如酒醉的人发现时代的陷落

The laughter penetrates my silence:嘻鬧聲中 顯得我的沉默更明顯

There is no peace that I've found so far 是個充滿喧囂暴力的地方 | The laughter penetrates my silence 嘻鬧聲中 顯得我的沉默更明顯 | As drunken men find flaws in science 醉漢們爭執著科學的缺陷

The laughter penetrates my silence:周围的笑声映衬着我的沉默

There is no peace that I've found so far 至今我所想寻找的宁静还未曾出现 | The laughter penetrates my silence周围的笑声映衬着我的沉默 | As drunken men find flaws in science酒醉的人在讨论着科学错误

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Laughter Lines
Love Like Laughter
After My Laughter Came Tears
When All The Laughter Dies In Sorrow
Laughter In A Time Of War
Laughter In The Rain
Palahniuk's Laughter
Bohemian Laughter
I Hear The Laughter

weak convergence of probability distribution:概率分布的弱收敛

weak color 弱色 | weak convergence of probability distribution 概率分布的弱收敛 | weak inhibited type 弱抑制型

Florescent lamp:荧光灯

Swing arm wall lamp摇臂灯 | Florescent lamp荧光灯 | Acrylic lamp亚克力灯

scalar wave equation:标量波动方程

标量波 scalar wave | 标量波动方程 scalar wave equation | 标量波动理论 scalar wave theory