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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

At last his bribable behavior came to light:最后他的受贿行为

Much new evidence has come to light. 发现了许多新的证据. | At last his bribable behavior came to light. 最后他的受贿行为 | in private: with no one else present 私下地

Yo! Tell 'em Chewie, last night YO:阿楚告訴他們

Lando:蘭多: | Yo! Tell 'em Chewie, last night YO,阿楚告訴他們 | I had Leia all drunk wanting to do me. 昨天晚上莉亞喝醉後想和我XX [囧!?]

You just crapped out your last bargaining chip, pal:你最后的筹码已经没了,朋友 )

- Geary, come on. We can make a deal, man. - No deals. ( ... | You just crapped out your last bargaining chip, pal. ( 你最后的筹码已经没了,朋友 ) | Ain't that the most beautiful thing you ever seen? ( ...


66. 拿破伦 NAPOLEON | 67. 尼古拉二世 LAST OF CZARS | 68. 尼罗河 NILE :RIVER OF GODS

And didn't you have some staff defections last week:上周你们是不是还有人被挖角了

I hear your circulation's down.|我听说你们的发行量在下降 | And didn't you have some staff defections last week?|上周你们是不是还有人被挖角了? | Some people can't take the hills.|有人就是经不起考验

I've been selling more dinettes than I've sold in the last four years combined:我最近卖出的餐厅家具比过去四年的总和还多

Just forget all that stuff ... | I've been selling more dinettes than I've sold in the last four years combined.|我最近卖出的餐厅家具比过去四年的总和还多 | You're 24 hours from the biggest game in coll...

LAST DULE:(飞机游戏)

FORGOTTEN WORLDS(失落的世界,空中混斗罗) | LAST DULE(飞机游戏) | LEGENDARY WINGS(空中,地面射击过关游戏)

Serena looked effing hot last night. Serena:昨晚看起来超正点

Hey,watch where you're going! 小心看路! | Serena looked effing hot last night. Serena昨晚看起来超正点 | There's something wrong with that level of perfection. 那种完美特别别扭

The Last of the Empresses:<末代皇后>

20 With the Empress Dowager of China <<慈禧写照记>> | 21 The Last of the Empresses <<末代皇后>> | 22 China: Its Marvel and Mystery <<神奇与神秘的中国>>

Our firm took over two fruit packing companies last year:我们公司去年接管了两家水果包装公司

1.take over接管,兼并 | Our firm took over two fruit packing companies last year. 我们公司去年接管了两家水果包装公司. | 2.hold out坚持

第94/100页 首页 < ... 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 ... > 尾页
One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

state succession:国家继承

State Statistics Bureau;国家统计局;SSB; | State succession;国家继承;; | State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons;国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响;;

Chlamydial conjunctivitis:衣原体结膜炎

1.衣原体结膜炎(chlamydial conjunctivitis) 衣原体是寄生在细胞内的一种微生物,婴幼儿期可引起结膜炎和肺炎(参阅新生儿肺炎),由于检出率不断提高,现已成为新生儿眼结膜炎的重要病因之一.


mismatch 使配错 | mismate 配合不当 | misname 叫错名字