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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aren't we all in recovery from something? Drinking? Drugging? Our last relationship:其实每个人都在戒某些东西 好比戒酒、戒毒 甚至是戒上一段感情吗

I accepted his kind invi... | ...aren't we all in recovery from something? Drinking? Drugging? Our last relationship?|其实每个人都在戒某些东西 好比戒酒、戒毒 甚至是戒上一段感情吗? | On our first date, P...

duels can last for an hour:决斗会持续一小时左右

When competitors are evenly matched, as they are here,|同级别的参赛者在此公平... | duels can last for an hour.|决斗会持续一小时左右 | In this heat, the effort is truly exhausting.|高温下的战斗确实很耗费...

You're 80% effaced. You're on your way. It still could last a while:宝宝已经下降了八成,就快了 但你可能还得等上一阵子

Yeah, just a tad.|对... | You're 80% effaced. You're on your way. It still could last a while.|宝宝已经下降了八成,就快了 但你可能还得等上一阵子 | -There are ways to help things along. -Do them!|-如果你...

The motion is that the remark of the last speaker be expunged from the record:例如

resolved 决定的 | appropriate 恰当的 | 例如: The motion is that the remark of the last speaker be expunged from the record.


DELETE 删除地标 | LAST FIXES 最后的固定点 | COPY TO 复制为

That's the last time I get caught flatfooted:这是最后一次招惹狱警了 )

You,me and lj,we weren't getting out of there alive. ( 你 我 LJ 当时我们仨... | That's the last time I get caught flatfooted. ( 这是最后一次招惹狱警了 ) | Then do what you got to do,linc. ( 做你需要做的...

e.g. That's the last time I get caught flatfooted:那是我最后一次感到措手不及

flatfooted 扁平... | e.g. That's the last time I get caught flatfooted. 那是我最后一次感到措手不及. | Information, like crumbs, always trickles down to the vermin on the floor. 情报就像面包屑一样,总会...

Without your gigolos, looks like you got last place sewn up, again:没了男舞伴 你们好像又重新回到最后了

Welcome back to Sucktown. Population... | Without your gigolos, looks like you got last place sewn up, again.|没了男舞伴 你们好像又重新回到最后了 | Why don't you get your nose job out of everybody else...

What posh arse is trying to tell youse is he goosed a pair of skates last night:他想告诉你们的就是 他昨天晚上上了一对婊子

Not unless you're into short stories.|除非你们对小故... | What posh arse is trying to tell youse is he goosed a pair of skates last night.|他想告诉你们的就是 他昨天晚上上了一对婊子 | Fucking come 'ead!|...

Yes, both. Last trip I fished a little and hiked three miles:是的,两者都做. 上次出去时,我钓了一会儿鱼,又步行了三英里

Do you hike or fish on your trips? 旅游时,你... | Yes, both. Last trip I fished a little and hiked three miles. 是的,两者都做. 上次出去时,我钓了一会儿鱼,又步行了三英里. | Did you catch anything? 你钓到...

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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

state succession:国家继承

State Statistics Bureau;国家统计局;SSB; | State succession;国家继承;; | State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons;国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响;;

Chlamydial conjunctivitis:衣原体结膜炎

1.衣原体结膜炎(chlamydial conjunctivitis) 衣原体是寄生在细胞内的一种微生物,婴幼儿期可引起结膜炎和肺炎(参阅新生儿肺炎),由于检出率不断提高,现已成为新生儿眼结膜炎的重要病因之一.


mismatch 使配错 | mismate 配合不当 | misname 叫错名字