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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

to breathe one's last:咽气

to breathe one's last 咽气 | go to glory(尊翁)仙逝 | to abandon the world弃世

When was the last time someone you had a crush on asked you out:上一次你迷恋的对象约你出去 是什么时候的事

Well, Stannie, if I may call you that. Maybe you sh... | When was the last time someone you had a crush on asked you out?|上一次你迷恋的对象约你出去 是什么时候的事? | You're no one to talk, Miss Marlbo...

last the distance:自始至终坚持下来 [体](垒球)一个投手从头到尾投满九局

go the distance 自始至终坚持下来 [体](垒球)一个投手从头到尾投满九局 | last the distance 自始至终坚持下来 [体](垒球)一个投手从头到尾投满九局 | in the distance 在远处

last the distance:中[近]景(风景、布景绘画等介于前景与背景间的部分)

go the distance 中[近]景(风景、布景绘画等介于前景与背景间的部分) | last the distance 中[近]景(风景、布景绘画等介于前景与背景间的部分) | to a distance 远方, 向远方

the last extremity:绝境, 死

in -ties 极端贫困, 智尽力竭 情况危急, 濒于死亡 | in an extremity 智尽力竭; 陷入绝境 | the last extremity 绝境, 死

at one's last gasp:奄奄一息时

at one's heels 紧随 | at one's last gasp 奄奄一息时 | at one's leisure 有空时

Hark at LAST:到最后也听着

But all were PAST! 但都过去了! | REAL heroes are in nowaday 真正的英雄在今天 | Hark at LAST! 到最后也听着!

Find out about Harry Potter's last novel:(可以可以找到哈利波特最新小说)

Dan Brown's latest novel? (丹.布朗(Dan Brown)的最新小说) | Find out about Harry Potter's last novel? (可以可以找到哈利波特最新小说) | Paris Hilton found to be gay!? Paris.希尔顿被发现是同性恋

as a last resource:作为最后一着

as a joke | 开玩笑 | as a last resource | 作为最后一着 | As a man sows and so he shall reap. | 种豆得豆.

Were you comfortable in your new bed last night?" "I was as snug as a bug in a rug:你昨晚睡在新床上舒服吗?""舒服极了

BUG 小虫... | "Were you comfortable in your new bed last night?" "I was as snug as a bug in a rug." "你昨晚睡在新床上舒服吗?""舒服极了. " | My sister can't come to your party 'cause she caught a bug. 我...

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One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

state succession:国家继承

State Statistics Bureau;国家统计局;SSB; | State succession;国家继承;; | State Succession and its impact on nationality of natural and legal persons;国家继承及其对自然人和法人国籍的影响;;

Chlamydial conjunctivitis:衣原体结膜炎

1.衣原体结膜炎(chlamydial conjunctivitis) 衣原体是寄生在细胞内的一种微生物,婴幼儿期可引起结膜炎和肺炎(参阅新生儿肺炎),由于检出率不断提高,现已成为新生儿眼结膜炎的重要病因之一.


mismatch 使配错 | mismate 配合不当 | misname 叫错名字