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与 last-ditch 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And to make matters worse, Jill dumped me last night:还有更糟的事,吉儿昨晚甩了我

It's a good lesson. Make yourself indispensable, that's the key... | And to make matters worse, Jill dumped me last night.|还有更糟的事,吉儿昨晚甩了我. | Dumped you? Don't you have to be going out to ...

to the last degree:极度

to the ground 彻底地 | to the last degree 极度 | to the letter 严格按照字句

to the last degree:达到极点

达到;归...负责;足以应付up to ... | 达到极点to the last degree | 答覆reply to ...

to the last degree:极端地

by degree 逐渐地 | to the last degree 极端地 | to what degree 到什么程度

to the last degree=very much indeed:极度地

23.at all events =at least=in spite of everything 不论怎样 | 24.to the last degree=very much indeed 极度地 | 25.lay stress on 强调

to the last drop:一干为敬

-Let's drink up. -Let's do it.|- 我们干了 - 我们干了 | To the last drop.|一干为敬 | That's good. You want to dance?|太好了,你想跳舞吗?

to the last breath:至死

take one's breath away 使某人大为惊讶或感动 | to the last breath 至死 | with bated breath 屏息地; 小声地; 焦急地

To the Last bullet:第十七关

第十六关 A Fistful of Dollars | 第十七关 To the Last bullet | 第十八关 The Magnificent Six

to the last man:到最后一人; 一人不剩; 全体, 没有例外地

the man behind the wheel 驾驶员; 舵手; 负责人 | to the last man 到最后一人; 一人不剩; 全体, 没有例外地 | You'll be a man before your mother. [口, 谑]你真是个好样儿的.

to the last man:到最后一个人

a salaried man挣工资的人 | a ticket-of-leave man领有暂时出狱证的人 | to the last man到最后一个人

第78/100页 首页 < ... 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ... > 尾页
One Last Song
I'm So Glad (Trouble Don't Last)
Take One Last Breath
From The Last, Last Call
The Last Great American (New Last Verse (9/15/2001))
Last Night Last
Last Hour Of The Last Day Of Work
I Cried My Last Tear Last Night
If This Is The Last Kiss (Let's Make It Last All Night)
Last Last Chance

--She is devoicing her husband:她正和丈夫离婚

7. 你离婚的理由是什么?--What are your grounds for divorce? | 8. 她正和丈夫离婚. --She is devoicing her husband. | 9. 粗俗下流的词---four-letter words


self-denial 克己 | self-denying 克己的 | self-dependence 自我信赖

Waging A Direct-Mail Campaign:一场没有硝烟的直接邮寄广告运动

Direct Marketing: Precision Message Delivery直销:精密信息传送 | Waging A Direct-Mail Campaign一场没有硝烟的直接邮寄广告运动 | Creating Your Direct-Mail Materials创建您直接邮寄资料